Some of the ratfur on the cieling of my 92 Scamp has come loose (with the insulation).Does anyone know how to reattach it without stripping it all off?
Wed, 08/05/2015 - 14:53
Ratfur reattachment
I had the same issue. I just plled it back a bit and sprayed the roof side, then smoothed it over the adhesive. if it's a big area, just do a little at a time. Mine is still stuck a year later
wear a paint mask of some type, it's pretty smelly stuff.
good luck
Deb Staines
2016 16’, layout 4
I also use the 3M 77 adhesive. Spray both surfaces wait about 30 seconds then press together (like contact cement). Some claim it releases in extreme heat but I have not had an issue with that. To reattach your satfur trim strips use a hot glue gun. The 3M 77 can be bought at the big box stores, even my local Wally World sells it.