2013 Scamp trailer value

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Joined: 11/05/2021 - 17:14
2013 Scamp trailer value

I have a 2013 Scamp trailer 16 foot that I purchased new from the factory. My wife recently died and it holds too many memories for me to keep it. I have no idea how much they are going for these days but I know they hold their value well. It has been garaged whenever it was not in use and looks great. I live in Washington state. Does anyone have a good idea what they are going for used or know how I could find out? There are very few for sale on the internet.

Thank you


Hoosier Scamper
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Joined: 11/09/2022 - 22:35
I calculated it manually...

The website they recently published here that was closing, fiberglass trailers for sale something or other.(..it was a lot like this site or a sister site to this...) they listed for sale trailers of all makes and listed the ones that sold, their sold prices and dates. I went to their sold Scamps, looked over all their models similar to mine; sizes too; looked at my year plus and minus 2 years of age... I listed all the sold prices for the last 2 years and calculated my best value estimate. The historical sales value I got was not far off my original sales value. I  could not find anything from banks and financial institutions since Scamp just doesn't sell that many... RV dealers also told me they had no value system for an estimate like Kelly BB for cars, etc... I don't know if the fiberglass trailers for sale site will still have this data available or visible...


Last seen: 2 weeks 3 days ago
Joined: 11/05/2021 - 17:14
to Hoosier Scamper

Thank you for your response. My late reply is because your response went to the junk file on my computer. Thank you for looking up those site for me. Yes, I am finding that most places have no idea how to value the Scamps as they hold their value so well. Very few are listed for sale and the prices are all over the place. I appreciate your time and effort.
