Time for tires?

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Tom in NM
Last seen: 6 days 19 hours ago
Joined: 06/07/2020 - 18:17
Time for tires?

My 13' is four years old. The tires are 41/2. I've put about 12,000 miles on them. The pictures show it they look. I'm new to trailers and to thinking about time as a determinant of when to replace. It's not that expensive to put on new ones and I want to be safe. 

Is it time?

sorry. How do I rotate the images?

Hoosier Scamper
Hoosier Scamper's picture
Last seen: 2 days 10 hours ago
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Joined: 11/09/2022 - 22:35
Yes, it's time...

Trailer tires are not built with the same safety specifications that vehicle tires are held to... Many folks relate experiences of blow outs and other catastrophic failures. These can be serious and life threatening at high speeds. The cause is usually age related combined with overheating. Tires overheat with weight and speed. Age weakens the sidewall and you may see cracking or dry rot. I replace my trailer tires every 5 years because of this. Trailer tires never see the miles that your car tires earn so age becomes a good guide for replacement. When buying tires, spend a little more money and get a higher weight rated tire, radials are always better too. A lot of lower weight tires have speed limits lower than highway speeds. Pay attention to the speed rating too. These factors together are why so may experience blow outs. They have a tire that is over its speed limit at highway speeds; they overload it for their trailer; and it's aging. These create enough heat that it blows out. Related to aging is the sun's UV damage. This is why it's recommended to have covers for your tires to protect them from the sun's UV damage. Lastly, check your pressure before use. Ignored for too long while sitting usually creates a serious under inflation pressure, making the heat build up more rapidly. When you put air in them, put the pressure in a cold tire that's on the sidewall. Car tires have a range but trailer tire do not... Following these guidelines will keep you from having a tire failure. I've never had a blown tire on a trailer in 40 years of towing. 


Tom in NM
Last seen: 6 days 19 hours ago
Joined: 06/07/2020 - 18:17
Tires - thanks

Thanks for that very substantive response, Carl, based on our long experience towing trailers. I'm putting on new ones. I'm moving to load range D  

One thing I'd note based on my reading is about speed ratings.  Several posts about trailer tires by a tire engineer (blog has been referenced multiple times in this forum), speed ratings for trailer tires are based on failure speed. For example, to get a 81 mph speed rating, the tire must be able to run for 30 minutes at that speed before it fails. You do not want to drive at that speed.

Thanks again. Love the info I get in this forum. 

BTW, what is the trick to getting images to load with the correct orientation?


Hoosier Scamper
Hoosier Scamper's picture
Last seen: 2 days 10 hours ago
Lifetime Member
Joined: 11/09/2022 - 22:35

Not had any pix issue, rotate probably on my phone or computer to load the way I'd want, my guess...
