Escape Hatch 82 Scamp

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Last seen: 7 years 4 months ago
Joined: 09/13/2017 - 18:21
Escape Hatch 82 Scamp

Just purchased my first scamp which has become a project. The escape hatch is leaking and the previous owner had so much caulk along the edges of the hatch it looked more like a wedding cake than an escape hatch. I've stripped the caulk off with plans of popping the rivets and resealing with butyl tape. Today I came across a product called enternabond which is a tape that goes on the outside edge which would not require rivet replacement. Does anyone have experience with this product. Really would prefer not to pop rivets for fear of damaging the escape hatch. Any thoughts would be appreciated.



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Early Scamp Escape Hatches

The early Scamp escape hatches (mid 80's) have a plastic frame. I have seen quite a few with the wedding cake calking. The frames themselves develop small cracks which are sometimes hard to find and that is where the water leak usually is. The plastic frames are are over 30 years old and brittle a they take a lot of abuse from buffeting and vibration.

What I usually do is order the newer version metal frame escape hatch from Scamp. The newer vent is larger and you end up cutting out all the old rivet holes and mess on your roof. Install with butyl tape and rivets. Separate the ensolite from the fiberglass just slightly and it will cover up your new rivets on the inside. Seal the rivets and edges of the frame with 5200 or some other sealant and you will be good to go. You will be happy with the results. The cost of a replacement dome for your current hatch will be about 1/2 the cost of a completely new hatch and the metal frame provides extra support for the roof.


Earthbiscuit's picture
Last seen: 7 years 4 months ago
Joined: 09/13/2017 - 18:21
Yes it is plastic so I'm

Yes it is plastic so I'm assuming it's an original. What do you recommend I cut the fiberglass with to install the new hatch? Thanks for your input.

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cutting fiberglass

This tool works great for cutting fiberglass!   Only $39.99
I've been cutting fiberglass on my 1985 scamp. I cut a hole for an air conditioner on the side of my Scamp. Be sure you get the fine blades so the fiberglass don't chip.

Good luck,

Lis in RI

Greg A
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Ah Eternabond

You found an excellent product in the Eternabond. I used it when we went to the Dark Side with our sticky trailer. Every 12-18 mos on a rolled roof trailer you have to go up with the Dicor and reseal or you'll get the dreaded delamination. I found Eternabond and did all my roof seams with the product eliminating the need to caulk annually. We never had a leak after doing that and the lifetime of the product is around 18 years. 

Now the downside. It is almost impossible to remove once applied. If you ever needed to replace your vent the best method is to take a razor cutter and cut the eternabond around the vent edge and remove the vent leaving the Eternabond on the trailer. Replace the vent and apply new Eternabond right over the vent flange and existing Eternabond.

I think you have a good use of a good product on your Scamp vent and you can always order replacement lids if they crack. The Eternabond will probably still be there and intact long after you're done with the trailer.

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where can i find it   thanks

Greg A
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ETernabond Tape

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Last seen: 7 years 4 months ago
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Decisions Decisions

Thanks for all your suggestions.:)