removeing glue from door weather strip?

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removeing glue from door weather strip?

Hello, we have just bought our used 5th wheel Scamp and I'm trying to update the seals on the door. Does anyone know if brake cleaner will damage the gel coat or hurt the fiberglass? I was able to get the new type of weather striping from the factory(rubber) and I'm in the process of removing all the foam from around the door. I would like to get the area as clean as possable before I install the new seal. Any suggestions?

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Removing Old Adhesive

Use 3M brand adhesive Cleaner/Remover.

I've seen it used to remove decals from Fiberglass without harming the finish, It is designed to not harm Automotive finishes.

Here is a link on Amazon...

3M General Purpose Adhesive Cleaner, Quart, 08984

Please let us know how this works, because I'll be addressing this same issue soon.

Happy Scamping !!!

As Always,

Happy Scamping !!!

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Acetone also works well (and

Acetone also works well (and does not harm the fiberglass or gel coat).

Last seen: 1 year 2 months ago
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Joined: 08/09/2014 - 09:02
Acetone..........heat gun....

Acetone..........heat gun..........plastic scraper.......elbow grease.  Hard work but it will come off


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Joined: 08/31/2014 - 19:14
Thank you Thank you can not

Thank you Thank you can not wait for the weekend to get to work will let you know how my knuckles are when I'm done,thanks to everone have a great week.

Last seen: 1 year 2 weeks ago
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Joined: 08/31/2014 - 19:14
Removeing weather strip

Hi all; what a beautiful weekend, I finely got around to removing the weather strip it was more work than i thought . The acetone and scraper seemed to do the best, I also used a razor blade to push all the glue to the side. The one problem that did come up was that the glue was over the decals so part of them came up, but the new weather strip covered up any sign of the missing decal ends.I had to use all of the quart of acetone and the glue seamed to stick to my fingers witch was somewhat distracting .All in all about three hours to get the job done. Once again thanks for all the advice ,have a great week. Brett