Getting the Upper Bunk Bed Out of the Way

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Spokane Sue
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Getting the Upper Bunk Bed Out of the Way


  When I pick up ZaZa in the fall a good friend will come with me. I have offered her the big bed while I would take the lower bunk bed so that when she gets up repeatedly at night she will not have to sleepily negotiate the poles holding up the upper bunk. She refused -- wants me to sleep in the bigger bed since this is my new trailer. So I've been pondering and wonder if I could attach in the center outer edge of the upper bunk something like a picture hanger (those rather flat long ones - so it won't mess with how it fits when it is in the sofa position), then put in a thin wire hook, and then tie or bungee that to the cabinet knob for the front ceiling cabinet so that the upper bunk is angled up and away from her head as she gets in and out of it in the middle of the night.

  I'm thinking this will allow the bunk bed to be up and out of the way while giving my friend the whole width of the lower bunk bed for more comfortable sleeping. Do you think this will work? Don't know if the knob on the cabinet will get messed up, if the underside picture hanger would really hold, etc. 

  Any feedback would be appreciated or other solutions to what I'm trying to figure out. Oh, and I am one of those people that does not use tools well so I need to keep it somewhat simple because I have no one to help me when I try to do this in Minnesota (when I get back to Spokane I will have help if it is a more elaborate/tool oriented suggestion).


ManWithaVan's picture
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Removing the Upper Bunk

I would contact Scamp to find out if they could remove the top bunk for you when you pick up your new Scamp. I would then ask them to show me how to re-install the bunk once I arrived home. Worst case; you would need to hire a Handyman to re-install the bunk for you.

As Always,

Happy Scamping !!!

Spokane Sue
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Handy Man

Thanks, ManWithAVan, but I'm hoping to find just a temporary fix so that I don't have to have it reinstalled. No ideas for temp fix?

Hoping your adventures are wonderful,
2017 13' Bunk Bed/Big Bed
Subaru Outback 2011

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I have to ask:

Is her full name Za-Za- Go More ???

As Always,

Happy Scamping !!!

Spokane Sue
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ManWithAVan, Never thought of the Go More part but I think that might be her nature! ( - ;

Hoping your adventures are wonderful,
2017 13' Bunk Bed/Big Bed
Subaru Outback 2011

athearn2's picture
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Top Bunk Removal

The top bunk is held on with just two hinges. It would be easy to remove the eight screws (four per hinge) to remove the bunk. A person not handy with tools should be able to unscrew the screws. The difficulty of the job would be just holding the bunk in place until all the screws were removed. Just about anyone could help with that. (Your good friend?) If you would like to have the bunk set up for easy removal and installation in the future you could get hinges installed with removable pins. Scamp might even do that for you. Or you could find some one handy with tools to make removable pins for the hinges that Scamp uses. I don't think it is a good idea to support the bunk on the cabinet door knob. Many folks have had issues with the hinge screws on the doors pulling out or being stripped. They are not all that strong. If you could find a more substantial attachment point on the bottom of the cabinet your idea would work. An "eye strap" available at a marine supply store and some hardware stores would work well for that. Good luck!

Spokane Sue
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Keeping the Upper Bunk out of the Way


  I love this possibility, "If you would like to have the bunk set up for easy removal and installation in the future you could get hinges installed with removable pins. Scamp might even do that for you." I will ask when I get the famous phone call that tells me they are starting to build ZaZa! 

  I also googled an image of an eye strap and that makes sense too. 

  Thanks for offering me ideas -- so needed!

Hoping your adventures are wonderful,
2017 13' Bunk Bed/Big Bed
Subaru Outback 2011

Last seen: 2 years 4 months ago
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Upper bunk

I sleep on the couch with the seat back/upper bunk left in place.  You only gain a few inches lifting the bunk out of the way, and it is fairly heavy.  I would say whoever is "narrowest" of the two of you sleeps on the couch.  I use a queen-sized down comforter folded triple for extra padding and it is quite comfy to sleep on.

Rhonda Riebow

Spokane Sue
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So glad to find someone who sleeps on the bunk bed. Here's my concern -- I've bought padding already so the issue isn't the comfort so much as from all the pictures of the scamp it looks like with the poles in place the person needs to be somewhat flexible to get out of the bedding in the middle of the night and then tuck her body between the two poles to get out of the bed--and she might be doing this 2-3 times in the middle of the night. Is easily getting out of the bedding and between the poles an issue for you?


Hoping your adventures are wonderful,
2017 13' Bunk Bed/Big Bed
Subaru Outback 2011

Last seen: 2 years 4 months ago
Joined: 07/07/2016 - 07:06
Sleeping on the couch


I don't put the seat back/top bunk piece up--I leave it set up as a back rest against the wall.  So no poles, etc. to deal with.  It is narrow, but you will have enough to do with driving long hours, setting it up for camp, learning all its features, etc.  Keep it simple--this will be your first trip and a long one, you want it to be an excellent adventure, not a struggle.  I toyed with the idea of taking that top bunk out to take to the lady doing my slipcovers, but decided it looked like too much work, it was heavy, and BIG.  The bottom cushion alone took up a ton of space in my 4-dr Jeep when I took it to her, and that was flexible.  If you take it off where will you put it at night?  I would worry about any jury-rigging it up to the top cabinet too...oh dear, what if it fell?  You can ponder mod options once you get home.  If you think you will be camping with a friend quite a bit, maybe down the road remove the seat back/top bunk altogether and just have a batch of awesome pillows for a backrest.  I love pillows and have six of them on the couch.  When I make up the beds at night, I line them up on the side of the real bed.  Tee hee hee, I have a method for making up the beds at night.  Step one, throw husband out of trailer.  Make up the big bed, then the couch bed--takes about 10 minutes.  You will have fun on your Eggs-cursion picking up your new Scamp!      

Rhonda Riebow

Greg A
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Front Bed

McCown did a really sweet mod to the front couch on his 13, I'll have to try and find his post and put the link here. He had a plywood base under the bottom cushion that swung out at the door side and made a larger single bed for sleeping. It was an easy mod and easy to operate.

Ah, it was in the modification index under wider front bed.

One would have to do some addl creative to transform this idea keeping the back bunk piece in place with the swing out lower bed, but it could be worked out easily.

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