Replacing Old Tail/Stop Lights with LEDs

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Replacing Old Tail/Stop Lights with LEDs

I want to replace my old dim Scamp tail light units with LED units.  Is it a simple exchange or is there a problem with the turn signal/hazard flasher not working.

Years ago I changed something (right now, I do not even remember what I was messing with) on my 1968 Chev P/U that made the flasher not have enough power going thru it to make it work properly.

To add to the question....Some time back I invested in a little module that allowed me to place a higher up center light unit on my trailer so the brake light and hazard light was more visible (like the light in a modern car's back window).  I would hope that changing the original tail/stop light units to LED units would not affect that addition.

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Replacing Brake/Turn Signal Lamps with LEDs

Replacing the incandescent Brake/Turn Signal lamps with LEDs on your Tow Vehicle can, indeed, cause your Turn Signals to flash faster. The reason has to do with your vehicle's wiring. Whenever a T/S burns out, your Mfg has circuitry which causes the T/S to flash faster to indicate to you (the astute driver) that you have a bulb burned out. Consequently, when you replace the Brake/TS lamp with a LED Lamp the LED draws so little power that your vehicle thinks you have a burned out bulb and will flash at a faster rate.

Many LED replacement bulbs have a resistor built into them to prevent the vehicle from thinking that the T/S bulb is burned out.

The flash rate on your trailer is controlled by the Tow Vehicle, so if your Tow Vehicle is flashing normally, your trailer lights will also flash normally with the LED bulbs installed.

You would not need to replace the whole taillight assembly, just replace the bulbs with new LED bulbs.

Happy Scamping


As Always,

Happy Scamping !!!

Greg A
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Bargman 92?


Not sure, but I think you have the Bargman #92 (Size is 8-9/16" x 4-9/16" x 2-1/8") surface mount taillight assembly.  It should be stamped on the assembly somewhere.  If so, I haven't heard of an led bulb that will fit due to the angles. Since it is a surface mount it can be replaced with a different series bargman surface mount led taillight. One side note on using LED bulbs on taillights. If you are putting it behind a red lens you need to order a Red LED Bulb. If not, the taillight will appear dim and more towards a pinkish color.

I have heard the Bargman 07's are close to the same dimensions (Size is 8-7/16" x 5-15/16" x 2-5/16") and do work on replacement. You can get a R & L with license bracket for $87 and free shipping if you have a Prime membership.

Here is a walk through of a Bargman 92 to Bargman 07 that is pretty detailed.  Even though it is not a Molded Fiberglass it will be the same basic job.

If anyone knows of LED bulbs that will work with the Bargman #92 I'd love to hear because I have Bargman #92's on the Escape as well.

You could also get an LED 3rd brakelight strip if you wanted too.

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OOPS!!  Thanks Greg and ManWithAVan for

OOPS!!  Thanks Greg and ManWithAVan for setting my head straight.

OF COURSE, the tow vehicle controls the turn signals!  For some reason, my old head got locked into the trailer being the only one in the circuit...shame on me.  It should be a simple swap.  Going to do it today.

Thanks again,

Bob D
2005 13' Scamp  "Lil Critter"
Brenda, AZ

Last seen: 1 month 5 days ago
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Joined: 11/02/2013 - 20:08
Well...the project is not

Well...the project is not completed.  Seems that so far I have not located an exact LED exchange for the original Bargman #92 units on the "Lil Critter".  I am unable to find original sized units with backup lights included.  The new ones, which include backup lights, are over 14" wide.

I will keep looking and report back here when I find something.  I am partial to the rectangular shape and size that came on the Scamp.  I may have to get creative and get the replacements without the backup light and add separate backup lights.  I saw a set of strip type white LEDs yesterday which could work and still fit the rear of the "Lil Critter".

Any thoughts or leads would be appreciated.

Leaving today for a week long AZ Scamp-about.  Yippee!  :>)



Bob D
2005 13' Scamp  "Lil Critter"
Brenda, AZ