Propane tanks: 1 vs 2

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Propane tanks: 1 vs 2

I have a standard 13 with bath ordered.  I have it ordered with a furnace.  Trying to decide if I need 2 propane tanks.  Planning to mostly boondocks.  Live in Michigan.  So, it gets cold.  Plan to do some late fall/early spring camping when the furnace will be needed.  Thoughts/opinions/experience?

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Two Tanks

We have two propane tanks. I like to be able to use one until it is empty then switch over to the other. The system is supposed to switch over automatically but we haven't had that happen yet. Another thing you should look at to decide on one or two tanks is the tongue weight and whether your TV can handle it.

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I swapped my standard 20 lbtank for a new 20 lb  Worthington brand with a real level gauge so I know how much is in it at a glance to better know when I will not have enough.  These were available at the full service U-Haul dealer by us

2019 Scamp 13 standard

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I have them...

...and like them. I find the gauges to be a little conservative. (on the safe side as not to run out if you have only one tank.)

Greg A
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Two Tanks

If you go with one tank in ur situation, you'll be carrying a spare in ur vehicle, so I'd put two on the tongue as long as you aren't towing with a marginal vehicle. 
I use the auto rollover regulator since propane tanks always run out at 3 am on the coldest nights. It's not hard to manage and have never run dry.

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Propane heater

 I have a 13 ft scamp no bath and take it fishing on michigan rivers. I've seldom used the the built in heater, recommend a little buddy heater instead. That built in heater will run your battery dry in no time . I run a 10ft gas line out the electric cord hole to a propane tank. Just fire up the buddy heater for a few minutes and you're good for an hour or so with temps in the teens. Course at night invest in good sleeping bags or covers.

I never use the fresh water tank as it's just a waste of time with freezing, just fill up gallon jugs at the well.

i only use the frame propane tank for cooking; it lasts for three or four months of constant stove use. 

safe travels, jim

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We also considered adding a

We also considered adding a second tank in our 13 with front bath. We just completed a 5 week trip through the SW and Baja.  When we left Colorado, we had night time and morning temps in the single digits.  We used the heater quite a bit and also the hot water heater. The gauge on our tank isn't very reliable, so I did three refills for a total of 4.5 gal over the course of the trip.  Now we have a pretty good idea of how much propane we use and have decided a single tank is sufficient. Hope that helps.

Greg Lamb