Rodent entry options

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RocheACri woods
RocheACri woods's picture
Last seen: 8 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 11/12/2016 - 14:46
Rodent entry options

The snow has finally melted enough in my yard to get the Scamp door open. I went out and took a quick look to see if anything was amiss. It sure looked like a rodent had been nibbling on the box of kleenex. In my quick look around I didn't see any other signs of mice, but will do a more careful check later. 

I'm looking for some time-saving suggestions from other Scamp owners before I launch into a search for tiny openings. Where might the furry visitors be coming in? My Scamp is a 13, no bath (so no black or gray water tanks), no air conditioner. It does have Maxx Fan and a fridge. Of course there is the "mouse hole" for the electric connections.

Thanks for sharing your wisdom.

kdhanso's picture
Last seen: 3 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 01/01/2019 - 11:52
Door seal

One thought about mouse access. On my 2016, Scamp installed a metal bracket on the bottom door seal that allows the bottom edge of the door to rub against the weather strip seal without tearing it off. That compressed section allows mice to squeeze in. When inside the trailer you can actually see daylight coming in where this bracket is installed. I removed my bracket and am not having any issues with the weather strip coming loose. Another option is to put a little steel wool in that spot when you store the trailer to keep mice from coming in.

- Ken

RocheACri woods
RocheACri woods's picture
Last seen: 8 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 11/12/2016 - 14:46

Thanks for that suggestion Ken. 

Last seen: 5 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 06/23/2018 - 10:16
Rodent problem

Hi, here's a late reply...  We had a real problem with rodent entry a year ago.  Lot's of mouse traps and poison bait.  Not fun!  I don't believe you can make a Scamp mouseproof.  Mice are so good at getting in places.  On a friend's advice we placed sheets of the the fabric softener 'Bounce' around the entry paths by the water tank, the water heater, lower cabinets, etc. This worked 100% with no evidence of mice after a long winter.  I did a lot of airing out the cabin this spring, to help remove the perfumy aroma, but we'll use it again this winter for sure.



Last seen: 1 year 9 months ago
Joined: 08/20/2018 - 13:45
Near fridge

I was looking around our new 13 and I suspect Mice could easily  get in near/under  the fridge but so long as the outside panels are intact and installed I do not see easy entry. I too will have to look before winter storage. 

2019 Scamp 13 standard

RocheACri woods
RocheACri woods's picture
Last seen: 8 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 11/12/2016 - 14:46

Thanks for the advice and suggestions. I never did find any other signs of mice, so perhaps I was just seeing things. At any rate I'll be a bit more diligent next winter to make certain there isn't anything mice would find worth their time.