2020 Quartzsite Gathering

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Greg A
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Last seen: 2 weeks 4 days ago
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Joined: 11/02/2013 - 20:45
2020 Quartzsite Gathering

2020 Quartzsite Gathering Hosts: Scamp Owners International

This gathering is for all brands of Molded Fiberglass Trailers! Like Salmon returning home all brands of Molded Fiberglass Travel Trailers make the annual pilgrimage to the AZ Desert. 

Dates: Feb 3-9th, 2020

  • February 3rd to 6th  - Early bird Quartzsite Pre-Gathering (Mon thru Thurs)
  • February 7th to 9th - Main Event (Friday thru Sunday)

If you can attend the Main Gathering, the Pre-Gathering, or the entire Quartzsite Gathering we’d love to have you come and enjoy the good times. Some even stay for a Post-Gathering for a few days if you’re so inclined.

Mark the dates. More details of the event will be posted late-summer and throughout the fall.

Hope to see you there, and remember: No bill and No Checkout time. 

vermilye's picture
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Joined: 02/08/2014 - 16:37
Great dates!  The Lake Havasu

Great dates!  The Lake Havasu fireworks are the week after, as they were this year. I've posted info at a couple of the fiberglass websites. Here is the information for those interested in attending both.

I know it is early, but since the camping area usually fills by December, and they only hold the sites folks were in this year until July 31 before making them available to all, I wanted to post some information about the 2020 Western Winter Blast.

The SARA Rodeo Grounds provides a dry campsite (a marked section of a parking lot large enough to include your trailer & tow vehicle and reasonable space between sites, central water fill stations are available, and scheduled pump outs & propane available) for a week (Monday February 10th to Monday February 17th, 2020) with 4 evenings of fireworks, both individual samples & shows for 4 hours, Thursday - Sunday. If the Dome Rock Rally is scheduled at the usual dates, this will be the week after the rally.

Cost is a non refundable donation to the Rodeo of $150.00 for the week, plus $30.00 if you want to add the three barbecue dinners. They will try to get us together as a group if you put "Fiberglass" in the group field when registering. We had 5 trailers in the fiberglass group this year. More information & registration is at Havasu Rodeo & Events.

For those not interested in staying in the park, there is a BLM area across AZ 95 from the rodeo grounds that has a good view of the fireworks, however it is usually very packed.

I have a journal that includes links to lots of photos the 2019 event starting here.

Hope to see those interested at the event!

Nancy TenEyck
Last seen: 5 years 6 months ago
Joined: 02/15/2019 - 13:34

is there a list of 2019 camping and gatherings.

Greg A
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Last seen: 2 weeks 4 days ago
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Joined: 11/02/2013 - 20:45
Two Options

Our Trailers:
2015 19 Escape

Buying or Selling Molded FG Trailers:


larry-new's picture
Last seen: 5 years 10 months ago
Joined: 02/26/2019 - 10:05
I plan on being in Quartzsite

I plan on being in Quartzsite in mid January for the Rubber Tramp Rendezvous (RTR) which attracts 70,000 rv's of all types....free boondocking.


So, maybe I'll be around by mid February...we'll see.

If not now, when?

Joy A.
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Quartzsite I’ll be there

Hi Greg long time no talk.   I plan to be there for about 2or 3 weeks.   Looking forward to it as you know I’ve only been able to make a couple of them the last dozen years.

Hope all is well with the family.

See you there.      Joy A. &. ???

Joy A. & Olive

2001 13 Scamp "Puff"


2019 1500 Ram Longhorn

SOI #168


Greg A
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Last seen: 2 weeks 4 days ago
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Joined: 11/02/2013 - 20:45
Looking Forward


It will be good to see you again. Lot's of catching up to do....

Our Trailers:
2015 19 Escape

Buying or Selling Molded FG Trailers:


Last seen: 5 years 1 month ago
Joined: 05/09/2019 - 18:53

As I don't have a shower or toilet in my 13' Scamp. Does Quartzsite have bathroom facilities & showers?

Thanks  anyone



Winnipeg,Manitoba Canada

Greg A
Greg A's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 4 days ago
SOI-AdministratorLifetime Member
Joined: 11/02/2013 - 20:45
Quartzsite Boondocking

Hey Larry,

Need to get a porta-potty in that 13. yes

Quartzsite is pure boondocking on BLM land, no facilities. There is a Luv's truckstop a mile down the frontage road, but you'd need a porta potty in the trailer. Showers are available in Quartzsite at several locations, so not a necessity to have that in the trailer.  

Our Trailers:
2015 19 Escape

Buying or Selling Molded FG Trailers:


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I'll be there, flying solo

I'll be there, flying solo this trip (means I get to fish to and from).

The cool kids play outside.

Greg A
Greg A's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 4 days ago
SOI-AdministratorLifetime Member
Joined: 11/02/2013 - 20:45
Quartzsite Gathering 2020 Update

The Quartzsite 2020 Gathering is around the corner! (Feb 3rd - 9th 2020) We are looking forward to connecting with new and old friends at this unique event in the AZ desert. As usual, we will need wood for the central campfire, anyone that can bring some wood to contribute it will be greatly appreciated and enjoyed. 

We'll also need some volunteers for 2 hour shifts at the registration table during the week, the two judging committees for the Wiener Roast and Dessert competitions, and some volunteers to help with delivering the Quartzite Food Bank Donations. Email info@scampowners.com or we'll also have volunteer sign up sheets at the registration table when you check in.

FYI, this will be my last Rodeo as the Wagonmaster for the Quartzsite Gathering. So if anyone has any interest in taking this awesome gathering forward email me at info@scampowners.com or discuss it with me at the gathering.

Activities: Check the activity whiteboard at the host trailer for updated times and activities. All activities are subject to last minute changes. Make sure to register at the host trailer and pick up your 2020 Quartzsite Commemorative Button/Pin (quantities limited).

  • BYOB Happy Hour Meet & Greet to kick off the Quartzsite Gathering for early arrivals. Monday night Feb 3rd 4:30pm. We will have an informal BYOB happy hour at the host trailer to get acquainted and start the week. Bring your chairs, favorite beverage and snacks. 
  • Happy Hour Concerts with our Quartzsite Musicians: T-TH @ 4:30pm we will be having Happy Hour at the host trailer with music by our good friends and musicians. Any aspiring musicians can join in to play along. Check the activity board for times and bring your chairs, favorite drinks and snacks over. 
  • Friday Night Wiener Roast and Campfire: Starting at 4:30 pm join us at the central campfire for a really cool event -  the Wiener Roast and campfire. Bring your pack of Hot Dogs, buns, any sides/condiments, drinks and your Wiener Roasting Sticks. We'll provide some tables if you want to share sides/condiments with others, a nice campfire to roast the wieners, and weather permitting a beautiful Quartzsite sunset. We will have a judging committee and will be awarding prizes for the top three most creative Wiener Roasting Sticks. Get in your workshops now and get busy designing and building a winning Roasting stick! There were some pretty incredible contraptions last year.
  • Saturday Morning Dome Rock Swap Meet Quartzsite Gathering 8am-10am See further details below under approved vendors.
  • Dessert in the Desert at the Saturday Night Campfire: Dessert Pot Luck at the central campfire. Starting at 4:30 pm everyone bring a favorite dessert to the tables at the central campfire, along with your chairs, for a taste of dessert while enjoying an awesome Quartzsite sunset. New this year we will have a judging committee and will be awarding prizes for the top three Desserts! Get your recipes in order and get ready for some Dessert competition.
  • Quartzsite February 2020 Events Calendar(link): Throughout the town of Quartzsite, the Shows and Flea Markets run in the winter months during the influx of RV winter visitors and are quite interesting to spend a day or two rummaging around and finding treasures. 
  • Quartzsite Give Back:  At this years gathering we are going to sponsor a Quartzsite Give Back to help support the Quartzsite Food Bank. If you are able, we ask that folks bring a non-perishable food item and/or clothing items in good condition to the host trailer collection box and all week we will be delivering the donations to the Quartzsite Food Bank.

White Board: Check the white board at registration for all activities and approximate times. Change is a constant and we have had a few changes this year.

Instructional Sessions: (both sessions will be held by the host trailer, bring your chair, beverage, and questions)

Traveling in Baja, Mexico (Led by "Ron in BC") - Saturday Feb 8th @ 9:30am 

The important topics for folks traveling to Baja for the first time are:

1.     Insurance requirements, where to buy and approximate costs.

2.     FMM, the tourist visa, where to get it and approximate costs.

3.     Border crossing routine and what to expect.

4.     Past experiences with local police, which is zero, but some discussion on what some folks have encountered.

5.     Military checkpoints and what to expect.

6.     Driving in Baja, road conditions and other drivers.

7.     Gas stations, some good, some not so good.

8.     Necessity for pesos and availability of ATMs and use of credit cards.

9.     Suitable camping areas and personal safety.

10.  Language, is any Spanish required?

11.  Why Baja?  What's so great about Baja

These topics and likely others will form the basis of a Baja information discussion.  Knowing what to expect, what's required and some do's and don'ts will go a long way towards making a first trip to Baja enjoyable and trouble free.

Digital Photography: (Led by Jon Vermilye) Saturday February 8th @ 10:30am

This workshop is designed for those with adjustable cameras (advanced Point & Shoot or DSLRs) that are interesting in gaining more control over your camera than the program or automatic modes provide.

We will discuss the effect of choosing the Shutter Speed, Aperture, and ISO on the resulting image, and how you can alter these settings to produce images that are not possible on the program/automatic setting. 


VendorsNo outside vendors will be allowed without prior approval from the hosts. We are on BLM Land and their regulations do not allow vendors to sell goods on BLM Lands, so we have to be very careful on what is allowed.

Currently approved vendors:

Dome Rock Swap Meet
at the Quartzsite Gathering
Saturday, Feb 8, 2019
8am - 10am
Hosted by Arizona Eileen

This is your opportunity to recycle those camping items you no longer use! There have been some terrific items in past years!

The location of the Swap Meet will be somewhere down in front near the Registration. Blue tarps will be laid out on the ground ahead of the event.

Items must be camping-related...basically anything having to do with RVing. 
This can also include books, CDs, electronics, etc. -- stuff you'd use when traveling. No clothing items, please.

— Sellers may arrive at 7:45 am to set out their items; however, no sales before 8 am, please.
— Purchase a box of small envelopes at the Dollar Store (I'll also have some on hand). 
— On the front of the envelope, write: 1) Your name, 2) the item name, 3) the price, 4) your cell phone number
— Affix the envelope to the item you wish to sell and leave your item(s) on one of the tables at the Swap Meet.
— Be willing to accept either cash or check.
— There will be a table for FREE STUFF. No envelopes necessary.
— If you have a table or ground cover we can use for a few hours to display items, please bring it along.
— No need to stick around if you don't want to since someone will be there keeping an eye on things.

— At 10 am, Sellers should plan to claim their payment(s) and/or remaining item(s).

— Buyers will remove the envelope from the item they wish to purchase, place their payment inside, and then deposit it into the PAYMENTS box.

— Acceptable payments are cash or check. (I MAY be able to make change, but no guarantees.)
— Buyers may write their name and cell number on the envelope before depositing it into the box if they have questions for the Seller.

No outside vendors are permitted without pre-approval from Greg A., the rally host.

A-Z Casita Owners Guide available at special prices. Your choice of Printed book, or PDF on USB or CD.
Decals: Jack Frame Under Here, Battery Charge 16 and 25 Fresh Water Tank Gauges

Swap Meet questions or suggestions, please email Eileen at lovemycasita17@gmail.com


From the Hosts:

Post any questions you have on this thread or to just say “Hello, we’ll be there”! We look forward to meeting many new friends and visiting with many old friends at one of the best gatherings of Molded Fiberglass Travel Trailers (All brands are welcome) in the country.

Our Trailers:
2015 19 Escape

Buying or Selling Molded FG Trailers:

