Time to Make Scamp Camp Far West (Pine Grove) Reservations
Scamp Owners International (SOI) is pleased to announce the Sixth annual gathering of Scamp Camp Far West. We are non-discriminatory! ALL (I do mean ALL) molded fiberglass brands are welcome and encouraged to attend. Don’t let a bunch of Scampers scare you off.
The Event: Scamp Camp Far West
Dates: May 16-20, 2019
Location: Gold Country Campground Resort. Pine Grove, CA. That’s just up the hill from Jackson, CA on Highway 88. About 50 miles east of Sacramento.
We have reserved 29 sites.
Reservations can be made NOW. You need to call the campground directly to reserve a site (209-296-4650) and ask to reserve with the group of “Scamps”. When you call, if you don’t get a real person, leave a contact number. They will return your call later in the day. Rest assured they answer calls in the order received.
Office hours: 7 days a week: 8:30am to 4:30pm.
Sites will be $46.80/ night for full hookups (tax included). We are able to reserve only 29 sites. When the 29 sites have been reserved, there will be a waiting list. After you have made a reservation, please let me know by PM (Personal Message) so we know you are coming and what site you will be in. Last year we filled up fast. Don’t wait too long to make your reservation!
You can access the campground website at: goldcountrycampground.com.
Questions: You can contact me by sending a PM.
- - Earl A.
There will be an updated attendance list on scampowners.com. Forums → gatherings → upcoming events → Scamp Camp Far West → Post #2.
Site # Arrive/Leave
Earl 40 Mon-Mon. 16' Scamp
Deb 50. Thur-Sun. 16' Scamp
De 56 Thur-Mon. 13' Boler
Pam/Becky. 53. Thur-Mon. 17' Casita
Bill/Martha. 39. Mon-Mon. 17' Casita
Bill/Karen. 43. Thur-Mon. 13' Scamp
Sandy 35. Thur-Sun. 13' Scamp
Bill/Margery. 34. Thur-Sun. 17' Casita
Mike/Patti. 51. Thur-Sun. 16' Scamp
Doug/Pat. 32. Thur-Sun. 16' Scamp
Terry/Louise. 55. Wed-Sun. 17' Casita
Glory. 41. Thur-Mon. 13' Scamp
Paul & Jeannie 46. Thur-Mon. 17' Casita
Bill & Connie. 36. Thur-Mon. 17' Casita
Kathy. 42. Thur-Mon. 13' Scamp
Jim & Susan. 67 Wed-Mon. 17' Casita
Tom & Brenda. 49 Thur-Mon. 17' Casita
Robin. 48. Thur-Mon. 17' Escape
Lorie & Phil. 47. Thur-Mon. Pop-Up
Alan & Kathy 33. Fri-Mon 13' Scamp
Doug & Mary. 37. Thur-Sun. 21' Escape
Harvey. 44. Thur-Sun. 13' Scamp
Ron & Doris. 54. Thur-Sun. 13' Scamp
Mike & Linda. 57. Thur-Sun. 13' Casita
Bill & Gisella. 66. Thur-Sun. 21' Escape
Wendy. 68. Fri-Sun. 17' Casita
Mark 71. Fri-Mon. 16' Scamp
Alan & Jeannie 70 Fri-Mon 17' Casita
Steve & Margie 69. Thur-Mon. 17' Casita
Charlie 31. Thur-Mon 17' Casita
Tim & Candie. 58. Thur-Mon Alaskan
Edited: April 22
We have 3 sites left. If you have been thinking about joining us, don't wait too long before making a reservation. See post #1 above for details. - - Earl A
We have had a cancellation. Anyone out there still want to join us? We have 1 site left. See post #1 above for details. - - Earl A