The fiberglass on my Scamp is cracking around the door. There is one crack about six inches long on one side and two smaller cracks on the other side. This is a 2014 Scamp so I'm rather disappointed. More importantly, I want to know how to repair this.
Sun, 01/17/2016 - 16:18
Cracking fiberglass
Any place that repairs boats can easily handle this. Contact your local marine dealer.
<p>Doug Allen 2016 Ford F-150 2018 Lance 1575</p>
You could also fix it yourself, laying up FG is not rocket science. But I would also carefully investigate what the reason is for those cracks. Other than your trauma - did the Scamp endure any trauma? (accident, tree branch dropping on it, running over a curb fast....) The frame could be bent and need repair as well. Just thinking.
2004 Scamp 19 Deluxe,
2021 Tacoma, Double Cab, 6 cyl. 4WD
Small gel coat cracks are not uncommon in that area, but a 2014 shouldn't have them. The 6 inch crack is worrisome. Can you post up some photos of these so we can get a better idea?
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Such a shame that a newer trailer has such cracks. Most boat or Marine dealers can fix this quickly.
<p>Doug Allen 2016 Ford F-150 2018 Lance 1575</p>