Trailer is new to us and we just pulled out of storage. 12v and shore power have not been tested by us but PO said everything worked. While clearing PO's clutter out and getting ready for a spring cleaning I found a single wire nut rolling around lower cabinets. Growing up on boats everything was either soldered and shrink sealed or a homerun. I am a bit surprised by the amount of wire nuts and will ultimately look to clean them all up.
With the wire nut found any way to determine if it part of the AC or DC system? Looking behind the panel quickly there seemed to be a few wires not connected anywhere else but also not necessarily with a striped end. For all I know this is a spare part rattling around down there. My obvious concern is that 1) plug into power at a campsite I now have an exposed (potentially hot) wire. 2) installing the battery and getting ready to drive I now have an exposed (potentially hot) wire.
If I install the battery ... am I able to turn off all panel and connections to make it safe for a drive? Theoretically the battery at that point would be connected but only serving the emergency brake.
Suggest looking at the found wire nut with a magnifier and check for signs of use. Maybe it just fell, un-used.
There should be a fuse at the battery you can pull to isolate it.