New Scamp 13 Side Windows Leak

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Greg A
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Gene C
Last seen: 4 months 3 weeks ago
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Hi, I'm in Burlingame and own

Hi, I'm in Burlingame and own a 13'. I sell a ton of windows so I deal with a lot of these problems. with the big rains and blowing winds we have been having, the weep holes may be just getting overloaded and or blowing back in

 I am happy to look at it with you






Scamp Duo
Last seen: 7 months 2 weeks ago
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Joined: 06/24/2018 - 19:21
Scamp's Reply

Hello, everyone!

Here is what Micah Eveland had to say:

Please see image below! Silicone will need to be added on the inside of the window tracks to keep the water from going to the outer panels of the windows. 


My thoughts:

  1. This response was less that what I had hoped
  2. Closer inspection showed a gap there, so the solution seems reasonable. BUT: what if the water is not entering there?
  3. If this is a known "feature" of this window, why doesn't the window mfr or Scamp go ahead and seal it before shipping it out?

Assuming a bead of caulk will do the trick, any recommendations about the kind of caulk (silicone, marine, etc), and how to apply it neatly?


Thanks, everyone!

Alan & Kathy

Going Light
Last seen: 8 months 1 week ago
Joined: 05/30/2016 - 20:11
How did it turn out?

Just wondering, as it's been a month, if you did this seal, and if it worked?

rob n.
Last seen: 5 years 1 month ago
Joined: 04/07/2015 - 11:05
scamp windows leak

same problem with my new 2018 scamp 16 ft. while living in my scamp for 2 months next to ocean in alabama with heavy down pours. i was able to completely stop water intrusion by using GE clear silicone sealant in a squeeze tube. i used a lot of it, and it does not look pretty but no more leaks. make sure surface is dry before using. and put on heavy. i think stopping all this water by sealing far outweighs any advantage a weep hole has.


rob n.
Last seen: 5 years 1 month ago
Joined: 04/07/2015 - 11:05
scamp windows leak

same problem on my 2014 scamp 13 ft.  and now on my new 2018 scamp 16ft. in very heavy rain- lots of water comes in , have to put rags in to stop it, and change them often. i put sealant in all the corners of the inside where the water pools and i think this has stopped it but i probably covered the weep holes. this is a brand new scamp .


Scamp Duo
Last seen: 7 months 2 weeks ago
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Joined: 06/24/2018 - 19:21

Hello Everyone,

Thanks for the interest and sorry I'm late in getting back to you.

I got tired of checking the trailer for water accumulation, wringing out the paper towels, and putting them back.  I went ahead and caulked the windows, and it seems to have addressed the situation.

I used DAP UltraClear because it's billed as flexible waterproof sealant, mildew resistant, strong multi-surface adhesion, good for interior/exterior, and suited for gutters, flashing, windows, and doors.  It comes in a squeezable tube and doesn't require a caulking gun, so the flow is more controllable.  I split a wood shim, squeezed the sealant onto it before spreading on/into the gaps on all side windows.  I had a small mirror handy, but the visibility wasn't as bad as I thought. 

So far, so good.  smiley  Will have to check after a heavy rain.

Last seen: 1 year 5 days ago
Joined: 02/24/2023 - 11:24
Same Problem On My 2014

Hi, just saw this as I have the same problem.  Did your inside caulking work and can you please be more specific on exactly where you applied it?  Anyone else have this problem and did this type of fix work?  Thanks!!
