I've been looking for LED lights for my new to me 1981 scamp. There is 1 missing and the other is a 7' round wedding cake light. The LED 7in round bus light seems really high at almost $35/each. Anyone have any luck with cheaper options they are happy with?
Thu, 11/29/2018 - 12:55
LED lights
Are you looking for exact replacement, or something that looks close? 7" Bus lights have LOTS of LEDs and are pricey and Shipping is the bad part.
Or do you just need a lens? https://www.vintagetrailersupply.com/Bargman-No-99-p/vts-112.htm
I have one, and then 1 is missing. So need to replace. I agree, super expensive. The current ones are 7in...would like to keep that. Supppose the LED isn’t mandatory...
I agree, super expensive, but I'd go for both LED bus lights and you will be done with it for the next 20 years. LEDs usually only fail a few at a time and no one notices. I like the idea of round to make it look some what original, but most people would never notice.
Will this work??
Thanks! Now to just pick btwn this and the LED