Brakes or No Brakes

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Greg A
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Last seen: 17 hours 2 min ago
SOI-AdministratorLifetime Member
Joined: 11/02/2013 - 20:45
Adding brake controller

If you now have brakes on the Scamp, I highly recommend you put the brake controller on the Tucson if you are towing the Scamp at all regardless if you are going to change tow vehicle. The brake controller goes with you to your next tow vehicle, and you will want it no matter what you do. It's not that expensive and a couple hour job at best to add it or any Uhaul, trailer shop can install it.

I'm not familiar with the Tucson, but 1000 lb increase for adding a brake controller doesn't seem in line. I'm showing on the current specs, it only goes to 1500lb with brakes which makes more sense. You may also start running into GVWR and GVCWR issues with the Tucson once you add passengers and gear to both the tow and the trailer, you may find yourself quite a bit over on every spec.

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Last seen: 3 years 1 month ago
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Joined: 09/03/2015 - 12:58
I don't know the current

I don't know the current pricing, but a brake controller is a few hundred dollar decision, at most, while any vehicle upgrade will cost you thousands. My inclination would be to try the controller first and then if you aren't happy you can always upgrade your vehicle. You got brakes, may as well use them.

Of course, that assumes this is the only reason you were looking to upgrade. If you were looking to upgrade and you just needed this issue to push you over the line, then don't waste money putting a brake controller in a vehicle you have already given up on. Make the upgrade and tell everyone you "had to" because of the trailer. I think we will all nod our heads as needed. Assuming the new one has a brake controller.

Last seen: 7 years 7 months ago
Joined: 08/23/2015 - 00:10
We have towed a 1991 scamp

We have towed a 1991 scamp with a Ford Edge 2011. Edges is 4100 pounds. Our scamp has no bathroom, we actually don't use the water storage tank and just bring 3-4 single gallon jugs with us that typically last us easily 5 days. There is an AC installed however. We thought about having brakes installed but after 5 trips and one even going through heavy mountains in West Virginia feel there has been almost no burden to the tow vehicle towing the scamp or braking. I am sure  the brakes will need to be replaced sooner however on the TV in the future however than normal wear. If we had anything larger than the scamp though I would likely for sure go with trailer brakes..... or if we had a smaller lighter car as well.

Charles & Martha (1990 Scamp 13)
