2019 Quartzsite Gathering Hosts: Scamp Owners International
This gathering is for all brands of Molded Fiberglass Trailers! Like Salmon returning home all brands of Molded Fiberglass Travel Trailers make the annual pilgrimage to the AZ Desert.
Dates: Feb 4-10th
- February 4th to 7th - Early bird Quartzsite Pre-Gathering (Mon thru Thurs)
- February 8th to 10th - Main Event (Friday thru Sunday)
If you can attend the Main Gathering, the Pre-Gathering, or the entire Quartzsite Gathering we’d love to have you come and enjoy the good times. Some even stay for a Post-Gathering for a few days if you’re so inclined.
Mark the dates. Details of the event will be posted mid-summer.
Last years recap: https://www.scampowners.com/comment/10472#comment-10472
2019 Quartzsite Gathering Hosts: Scamp Owners International
Dates: Feb 4th-10th
If you can attend the Main Gathering, the Pre-Gathering, or the entire Quartzsite Gathering we’d love to have you come and enjoy the good times. Some even stay longer for a Post-Gathering if you’re so inclined.
Where: Same location as always, Dome Rock area, Quartzsite Arizona. Approx. 5 miles west of Quartzsite on I-10, south side of highway next to the frontage road.
GPS: 33° 38' 37.0" N - 114° 18' 17.1" W
Who Can Attend: Owners of all Molded Fiberglass Trailers brands - Casita, Scamp, Escape, Burro, U-haul, Bigfoot, Lil’ Snoozy, Compact Jr., Trillium, Boler, Parkliner, Eggcamper, Perris Pacer, etc. This gathering has always been, and will continue to be, a melting pot of all molded fiberglass trailer brands. Even SOB's (Some Other Brands including "stickies.") are welcome to attend.
Registration: There is no pre-registration, as this is free BLM land. We will have a registration table at the Host Trailer in the main loop. Make sure you stop by the Host Trailer because not only do we want to meet you, the first 250 registrations will receive a FREE 2019 Quartzsite Gathering 12th year button! (Our Canadian friends called this a Pin)
Camping: Free BLM 14-day dry camping (no facilities) on hard packed dirt. Market, water and dump station are all located in Quartzsite, 5 miles to the east. This is “Boondocking” with no hookups. If you are unfamiliar with how to setup your trailer for Boondocking you can read theses excellent resources on Boondocking.
Activities and more details to come as we get closer...... No Soup event this year, we are changing. Do not bring a can of soup unless you are eating it in your trailer!
Our Trailers:
2015 19 Escape
Buying or Selling Molded FG Trailers:
Big thanks to Jon Vermilye for contributing the photo for our 2019 Button (We did apply some enhancements
), and our Button Master Maker Earl A.
First 250 registrants at the gathering will receive the commemorative button.
Our Trailers:
2015 19 Escape
Buying or Selling Molded FG Trailers:
FYI, if the Govt shutdown is still going in Feb it will have no impact on the Quartzsite gathering, except our Ranger friends won't be down to kibitz with their favorite group or RV'ers.
So if ur planning on coming it's still business as usual with the gathering.
Our Trailers:
2015 19 Escape
Buying or Selling Molded FG Trailers:
We're about a month out from the Quartzsite Gathering and looking forward to reconnecting with new and old friends at this unique event in the AZ desert. We will need wood for the central campfire, so as usual, anyone that can bring some wood to contribute it will be greatly appreciated and enjoyed.
We'll also need some volunteers for 2 hour shifts at the registration table during the week and the two judging committees for the Wiener Roast and Dessert competitions. Email info@scampowners.com or we'll also have sign up sheets at the registration table.
Activities: The Quartzsite Gathering is traditionally not highly scheduled with activities. The few activities we have are Happy Hour M-Th and the Friday and Saturday events. During the week folks get together in small groups, enjoy the desert, head to the flea markets, or out to lunch and/or dinner. Check the activity whiteboard at the host trailer for updated times and activities. All activities are subject to last minute changes. Make sure to register at the host trailer and pick up your 2019 Quartzsite Commemorative Button/Pin (quantities limited).
White Board: Check the white board at registration for all activities and approximate times. Change is a constant and we have had a few changes this year. We have ended the the Great Soup Thing so no soup needs to be brought this year. Our Laddermaster has officially retired after years of Ladderball service to the Molded Fiberglass community so there will be no Ladderball tournament this year as well.
Vendors: No outside vendors will be allowed without prior approval from the hosts. We are on BLM Land and their regulations do not allow vendors to sell goods on BLM Lands, so we have to be very careful on what is allowed.
Currently approved vendors:
Dome Rock Swap Meet
at the Quartzsite Gathering
Saturday, Feb 9, 2019
8am - 10am
Hosted by Arizona Eileen
This is your opportunity to recycle those camping items you no longer use! There've been some terrific items in past years!
The location of the Swap Meet will be somewhere down in front near the Registration. Blue tarps will be laid out on the ground ahead of the event.
Items must be camping-related...basically anything having to do with RVing.
This can also include books, CDs, electronics, etc. -- stuff you'd use when traveling. No clothing items, please.
— Sellers may arrive at 7:45 am to set out their items; however, no sales before 8 am, please.
— Purchase a box of small envelopes at the Dollar Store (I'll also have some on hand).
— On the front of the envelope, write: 1) Your name, 2) the item name, 3) the price, 4) your cell phone number
— Affix the envelope to the item you wish to sell and leave your item(s) on one of the tables at the Swap Meet.
— Be willing to accept either cash or check.
— There will be a table for FREE STUFF. No envelopes necessary.
— If you have a table or ground cover we can use for a few hours to display items, please bring it along.
— No need to stick around if you don't want to since someone will be there keeping an eye on things.
— At 10 am, Sellers should plan to claim their payment(s) and/or remaining item(s).
— Buyers will remove the envelope from the item they wish to purchase, place their payment inside, and then deposit it into the PAYMENTS box.
— Acceptable payments are cash or check. (I MAY be able to make change, but no guarantees.)
— Buyers may write their name and cell number on the envelope before depositing it into the box if they have questions for the Seller.
No outside vendors are permitted without permission from Greg A., the rally host.
A-Z Casita Owners Guide available at special prices. Your choice of Printed book, or PDF on USB or CD.
Decals: Jack Frame Under Here, Battery Charge 16 and 25 Fresh Water Tank Gauges
Swap Meet questions or suggestions, please email Eileen at lovemycasita17@gmail.com
From the Hosts:
Post any questions you have on this thread or to just say “Hello, we’ll be there”! We look forward to meeting many new friends and visiting with many old friends at one of the best gatherings of Molded Fiberglass Travel Trailers (All brands are welcome) in the country.
Our Trailers:
2015 19 Escape
Buying or Selling Molded FG Trailers:
we will arrive the 3rd and leave 3-4 days later. 1st time visitors to Quartzsite.
Coming from the north, any turn by turn directions helpful. Have Garmin but never used GPS coordinants.
Mark, Cheryl and Nellie
17' Casita, the white one
Thanks for making us feel so welcome.
If you have a choice, Please buy, "Made in America"
Hey Mark,
Good to have you dropping in this year.
Google map coordinates will be easiest
See you next week.
Our Trailers:
2015 19 Escape
Buying or Selling Molded FG Trailers:
Greg, thanks. Looking forward to it. Will arrive Monday, instead of Sun. Hopefully during daylight so as not to miss the blinding white of all those FG trailers. I have a friend from grade school who just got a Hymer and may stop by for a night or two.
See ya'll in the desert
Thanks for making us feel so welcome.
If you have a choice, Please buy, "Made in America"
Good morning campers! Wow what a site, all these white trailers. Who woulda thunk?
We are just south of the main loop. 2nd road I guess. Stop by and say HOWDY. You will know us by the pic of Tahoe on our 17' Casita.
Happy camping, let the good times roll.
Thanks to my neighbors camp fire and fine music, last night. Nellie (beagle) and I enjoyed.
Thanks for making us feel so welcome.
If you have a choice, Please buy, "Made in America"
Be on the lookout for DOGS OF QUARTZSITE 2019. Coming soon! Thanks to all the pooches for your help.
Thanks for making us feel so welcome.
If you have a choice, Please buy, "Made in America"
How many eggs showed up at Dome Rock this year? Bev and I dropped by to nose around at the Friday Early Bird affair and were amazed at the number of eggs scattered around the Rock! Party was in progress so we went back to Brenda so as not to interrupt the feastivaties .
We went back on Monday and you were out working...er...I mean socializing like a good host should be doing so we left still amazed at the number of eggs at the Rock.
Looked like SOI matched r beat last year's total.
Sorry we missed seeing you and yours.
Bob D
2005 13' Scamp "Lil Critter"
Brenda, AZ