Digital Photography

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Greg A
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Last seen: 2 weeks 3 days ago
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Joined: 11/02/2013 - 20:45
Digital Photography

Almost everyone has a digital camera nowadays, but most don't have any idea how to manipulate the images they take with the cameras.  Most cameras come with default settings out of the box that produce very unwieldy image file sizes and these setting rarely get changed.  Your family and friends may not be thrilled when you email them pictures from your trip that clog up their email for a week while they are trying to download the 20 pictures attached to the email that are 4 megabytes each. smiley

Since most of us are avid travelers with our lil eggs and love to take pictures of our travels and lil eggs, I thought a post on tips and tricks on how to handle the images could be very helpful.  I'm sure many members have made many discoveries about picture taking that they can share and help other members manage their digital photos.  Feel free to jump in with any photo questions or tips.

First tip I'll throw out there is how to quickly resize images.  The Image Resizer for Windows is the program I have used for years for quick and easy image size preparation to email or use photos for posting without having to open complex image editing software.  Try it, you'll love it..

Keep on Scampin!

Greg A
Greg A's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 3 days ago
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Joined: 11/02/2013 - 20:45
Digital Photography Editing

To manage digital photography, one must get somewhat proficient with a digital photography editing program. Taking the photo with a digital camera is just the first step. Editing is the second step to orient, resize to a usable size and store the photos in the format that you want before using the photos. Can you do most of the basics of resizing, rotating, etc. in the free Paint program in windows? Yes, but it is extremely limiting, especially when you get further into digital photography. The top program to edit digital photography is Photoshop, but it is extremely expensive, around $600. I use Adobe Photoshop Elements 13 which is around $80 and is basically Photoshop Lite with most all the tools that I used to use in Photoshop.

The iPhones and most of the phone and tablet cameras are not including the orientation information with the pics. That is why when you upload photos to forums, etc. they are coming out sideways, upside down, etc. You have to run them through an editing program and save them with the correct orientation information and whatever other edits you wish to make before uploading or sending them to someone.

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Last seen: 1 year 5 months ago
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Another photoshop clone

Another photoshop clone that is quite nice (and FREE) is:

I use it and Photoshop.. is fine for just about anything you might want to do.  

I only tap about 5 % of the capability of Photoshop (the full version).  The more you learn these programs the more you can but I found that simple color, levels, brightness and contrast adjustments are about all I ever need, along with size and orientation of course.


Greg A
Greg A's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 3 days ago
SOI-AdministratorLifetime Member
Joined: 11/02/2013 - 20:45
Free Photo Editors

Good suggestion, I've heard good reviews on that one. Hopefully, more folks will weigh in with some free or low cost editing programs they have experience with.

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Greg A
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Last seen: 2 weeks 3 days ago
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Joined: 11/02/2013 - 20:45
FYI iPhone pics upside down

Some of the pics that folks take with phones are uploading to forums, etc. upside down. With the Apple iPhone, my understanding is that if you don't hold it correctly in landscape then it removes the orientation information on the pic and results in upside down pics.

Apparently, you have to hold the iPhone when your in landscape mode with the home button on the right side of the phone. If you have the home button on the left side the pic will be upside down. This doesn't solve the portrait problem but one thing at a time.

We have done some recent programming fixes that are supposed to fix the iPhone photo issue. Maybe these recent changes will work as well.

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Orientation of Iphone

I am left-handed and tend to take pictures with the button on the left side AND they would send upside down. Hard for me to get used to button on the right. I have to think about it. As far as vertical, if you lock your iphone orientation and hold with button on bottom, I believe it will post correctly.

Joe and Robin

Earlene's picture
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trying to post a pic

Launey and Earlene

Last seen: 1 year 5 months ago
Joined: 04/26/2015 - 09:01
re: trying to post a pic

Don't forget about the option to choose the pic size when you insert the pic.  It defaults to small (I think) which makes some pics hard to see.

Greg A
Greg A's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 3 days ago
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Joined: 11/02/2013 - 20:45
Good job

Gordon is dead on to select the size to make it how you want it. Also, the pic goes into the post wherever you have the cursor set in the post when you hit "insert." This is a very powerful feature and you can put images wherever you want them in the post. Once the image is uploaded below, you can delete the image in the post change where your cursor is scroll down, change the size and insert it again till you get it how you want it. The other forums don't allow this kind of photo manipulation so you can do really cool posts with these features.

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after the fact

Yes I relized that after I had already did it and also that it ended up in the wrong place on here,when we get home I need to sit and read some more,thanks guys for the help..Im not going to let this distract me lol.And like Gordon says i probably need to make pic,s a little larger,I was afraid that they would come on here as to big


Launey and Earlene

Lis's picture
Last seen: 4 years 11 months ago
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Joined: 12/21/2014 - 10:36
downsizing all the pic in a file at once

I have Windows 8. I have a (Scamp camper pic) file with about 35+ pics in it,   I would like to send some pics of my modifications.  Is there a way to resize all the 35 pics at once? doing them one at a time is so time consuming. I'd rather be out working on the Scamp.smiley


Lis in RI

Lis in RI
