Replacing 13 Scamp Wrought Iron Support

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Greg A
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Last seen: 2 weeks 3 days ago
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Replacing 13 Scamp Wrought Iron Support

I have always replaced the 1970's Scamp wrought iron support in my 13's with a more modern looking chrome pole.


Word of caution: This is a roof support so you cannot simply remove it. Many times in trailer rehabs/remodels people will remove the wrought iron because they don't like the way it looks. But you can't do that! Your roof will sag and your door will end up misaligned. Once the roof sags and door misaligns, it will be a lot of work to jack the roof back up and make the repair. If you don't like the look of the wrought iron, change it to something more stylish, as demonstrated in this post!

I use a heavy duty Chrome closet rod from the Depot and two wood rosettes for the bases.

First step is to apply stain to the rosettes that coordinates with whatever your interior palette might be.

After removing the wrought iron support and using a plum bob to align the rosette and pole location, I glue and screw through from underneath to mount the base rosette to the kitchen counter. Holding the top rosette in place under the top cabinets I take a careful measurement for the pole length and add 1/8" so it maintains a good fit later.  After cutting the pole length I place the pole on the bottom rosette, place the top rosette on the pole and tap into place until the pole is level all directions. Then put two screws from the inside of the upper cabinets down into the top rosette and you're done.

I actually added an enhancement to my chrome pole modification. Thinking through the process it was a very simple improvement to add a 1 1/8" Wood Dowel on top of each rosette that bolts through the base cabinet. 

You load the top rosette and dowel on the chrome pole and then place the bottom of the pole over the base rosette dowel and then tap it into level and screw the top rosette with two wood screws through the top cabinet.

The trailer will probably implode long before this pole ever goes anywhere now. surprise

debstaines's picture
Last seen: 4 years 5 months ago
Joined: 10/25/2014 - 22:19
Looks great!

adding this to my list ;-)

Deb Staines
2016 16’, layout 4

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Last seen: 4 years 5 months ago
Joined: 10/25/2014 - 22:19
Check it off the list

modified a bit from Greg's design, the white on white fits into my decor ;-)

I used a solid wood decorator curtain rod and finials that screw into the ends.  the finials were slightly rounded, so I sanded them flat.  1 screw thru the upper cabinet into the top finial, I stainless steel screw thru the lower finial (counter sunk) and into the counter (behind the pole. Not visible in this photo).  Taped off the lower finial and sealed with white sealer to prevent water seepage/rot

Super happy with the result


Deb Staines
2016 16’, layout 4

Greg A
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Deb your list moves quickly! laugh

Nice adaptation and looks very modern now. Goes perfectly with your backsplash..

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debstaines's picture
Last seen: 4 years 5 months ago
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Thanks for another great idea!

I've been chomping at the bit to do this one since you posted last week but life gets in the way M-F ;-). I was going to paint the wrought iron white and reinstall it, begrudgingly.  So much happier with this solution!

Deb Staines
2016 16’, layout 4

DaveB's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
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Replacing Scamp Wrought Iron Support

Our 1990 13' Scamp Deluxe did not have the support rods.  The roof had a noticable dip, and the overhead cabinets had a gap between them at the bottom edge.  I jacked up the roof, tied the two overhead cabinets together with a through & through bolt.  I then counter sunk two holes in the counter top and placed two round wooden dowels covered by chrome towel rods, between the overhead cabinets and the countertop.  I then placed a chrome keyring holder between the poles along with several wire drawers from Office Depot. 

Dave & Paula



Sir David Campsalot
Sir David Campsalot's picture
Last seen: 9 months 3 weeks ago
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Ooooo! I like that!

Always looking for a bit more storage space. This is perfect and looks real nice too. Thanks for sharing.

Please excuse me...I need to go camping now

Greg A
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Last seen: 2 weeks 3 days ago
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Pleasure to see

I was fortunate to see this sweet Scamp 13 at the Quartzsite gathering a few years back before Dave and Paula sold it. It was quite a trailer, Dave and Paula do a great job on their trailers and have some really good ideas. Everyone got to see Dave n Paula's mods to their new Lil Snoozy at Scamp Camp SW last year, very nice.....

Not sure if Dave n Paula have this Scamp 13 fully pictured stil, but maybe we can get them to put the pics up in our Trailer Tours so we can all enjoy the work they did on this one. There is more to the story, but I'll let them go into that.

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DaveB's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
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Thanks Greg for the kind

Thanks Greg for the kind words.  All our Scamp & Lil Snoozy mods are on our album on the FGRV website.  All one has to do is click onto our Avatar and then go to albums.

Dave & Paula

Earlene's picture
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I dont want to appear to stupid but what is that site that the mods are on:-)

Launey and Earlene

Greg A
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Last seen: 2 weeks 3 days ago
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Joined: 11/02/2013 - 20:45
Difficult to find it

Here is the link to Dave and Paula's 13 Scamp Album

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