Winterizing, Observations, and Questions.

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Last seen: 11 months 6 days ago
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Winterizing, Observations, and Questions.

I partially winterized my camper until I came to my shower drain pump issue.  Now that that issue has been resolved, I have a question about the underside water tubing which is connected to both sides of my shower drain pump.  
If I am under the camper and facing the front, the clear tubing on the left goes from the pump to the left corner of the front of the camper and disappears around the corner under the particle board.  Am I correct in thinking this tube takes the water from the shower drain to the grey water tank in the back of the camper?

There was still about 4 cups of water in in this tubing yesterday.  I loosened up the metal band holding the tubing close to the pump, but for the life of me was un-able to pull it off of the white ball it has been pushed on to.  This ball seems to be connected to the pump and is a bit larger than the width of the tubing.  I am concerned if I use more force to remove it, I will never get it back on!  So I wiggled the tubing to a point where just a drip would come out every few seconds and propped up the tubing so there was a elevation just above the water line.  I left it there all night and this morning there is only about 4 TBS of water left in the tub by the pump ;)

The other tube connected to the pump on the right side, has about 3-4 TBS of water in it next to the pump.  The other end of this tube goes to a black, half dome shaped piece of plastic, There is a small amount of water near this dome too. I'm thinking this black dome would possibly used if I had gotten the option of a bathroom sink?  I have no idea where that water in this tube comes from or what it could be used for, unless a bathroom sink.  Possibly the Scamp factory tested this out before leaving the factory and the water was left in the tubing?

I am wondering, if I get some anti freeze in the left tube, even though there is still water in it, will the anti freeze dilute the water enough so my tubing and pump don't freeze?  And I suspect there is still water inside the shower pump which could cause damage if there is a freeze? 

I have already emptied all my tanks, and hot water heater, then blew the lines out with an air compressor at 30psi.  A good extra gallon came out of the hot water heater.  

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Last seen: 6 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 07/21/2020 - 12:22
Antifreeze down the drains...

Pouring antifreeze down all the drains (shower and sinks) then running the drain pump will distribute the antifreeze and mix it with the remaining water in the tubing plus the pump.  No need to take the tubing apart.  Pour antifreeze in the emptied fresh water tank (there is a drain valve), then run the fresh water pump a bit to protect the pump, filter, and the pump outlet piping.  Compressed air through each faucet valve (including the shower head and toilet) and water heater draining should protect the rest.

A couple side notes: There may be hot and cold drain valves on yours, there is on mine.  Open both and get any remaining water out.  Avoid antifreeze entering the water heater, it will corrode the anode on the drain plug.

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Last seen: 10 months 1 week ago
Joined: 10/05/2015 - 18:05
Antifreeze Fine Print

I have used the pink RV antifreeze for years without difficulty.  I am viewing the world through new bifocals and noticing things I hadn't seen before.  One of those is a line in fine print on the bottle of antifreeze I bought at Walmart that reads  "Shake well before using".


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Last seen: 1 week 4 days ago
Joined: 09/22/2016 - 13:57
Also note that it freezes

It just will not expand like water.

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Joined: 11/02/2013 - 20:13
Winterization comments

I don't put antifreeze in the fresh water tank it takes a lot of antifreeze and leaves an after taste in your water even after repeated rinses. I install a Camco antifreeze pick up valve on the suction side of the pump and draw antifreeze out of the antifreeze jug. It takes less than a gallon of antifreeze to winterize a trailer. I also blow out the water lines with air prior to and in the spring prior to flushing out the lines through the city water intake connection. You can winterize all your lines by opening both shower valves and shutting off the shower head valve, this allows the the antifreeze to crossover from the cold water to the hot water system.

Eddie Camco Permanent Pump Converter Winterizing Kit- Allows You to Use Boat/RV Water Pump to Fill Pipes With Antifreeze - Lead Free, CSA Low Lead Content Certified (36543) : Automotive