Troubleshooting DC vs. AC system

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Last seen: 3 years 4 months ago
Joined: 08/24/2020 - 08:26
Troubleshooting DC vs. AC system

Hi everybody.  I'm rounding out my second summer with my 2001 13' Scamp.  I love it but I still can't quite figure out the electrical scheme.  Last weekend my three 12V DC lights went out despite being hooked into shore power.  I assumed the battery was dead but did not have a tester on me.  When I came back home after a few hour drive with a seven pin harness, however, everything worked again. I'm guessing driving with the seven pin must have recharged the battery, but I don't know that.

I had always assumed, based on the Scamp electrical diagram, I had a converter that powered the 12V system as well on shore power (and might even recharge the battery?).  Am I wrong on this?  I can't believe those two systems are 100% independent of each other based on all the gear and wires down there, but perhaps in a 20-year-old camper that really is the case.

Any and all advice would be appreciated.

ac0gv's picture
Last seen: 3 weeks 2 hours ago
Joined: 09/22/2016 - 13:57
three electrical systems

First is the DOT required lighting for the road, second is the 12 volt DC that runs things like your lights, and three, the 120 volt AC that powers the Air conditioner and converter. The converter should have charged your battery and powered your lights. On some Scamps the converter comes unplugged under the seat when the big cord is pulled out of the mouse hole.I hope that's all it is. And a side note, normally fuses protect the 12 VDC circuits and breakers the 120 VAC.