Trailer frame repair

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Trailer frame repair

I have a much beloved 1981 13' Scamp trailer.  I had a recent tragedy that I really need some help and guidance on.  The trailer frame broke.  The break is on the main exterior frame portion, a few feet behind where the fiberglass front meets the frame.  About a year ago, there was a small crack on the opposite site, just below the door, and I had that welded firm and that held.  This is a clean break as you can see in the photos.



I recently moved to Fort Collins, and I took this to two places immediately.  One is a high quality trailer manufacturer and welder and they said they would not touch the repair and did not recommend it because it would not be possible to give it back the strength required to safely handle the weight of the trailer and the use on the road, and they didn't want to have the liability.  The other place was an RV repair place, which has done work on scamps, but they said they didn't have the capacity to do the work.  I have an appointment on Saturday with another trailer place to take a look.  They don't think they would have the skills/capacity to lift the actual trailer/floor off the frame, and they are concerned with welding close to the wood/fiberglass so without looking they didn't sound super hopeful, but they come with recommendations from the other two.

I called Scamp and talked to Mike in service, and he said he has definitely seen repairs on the frames done successfully but hasn't seen a clean break through like I was describing.  They definitely are willing to take the trailer off the frame, and put it on a new frame - but because it is a safety concern to tow it in the current state, I would have to ship on flatbed, and he estimated $2500 for the frame and probably around $2000 in time/labor because it is intense. 

So, i am seeking input and guidance.  If anyone has seen or worked with this type of break or issue, please let me know.  If anyone knows of a local place in northern Colorado to try or talk to, that would be great too or if there is someone out there in my area willing to take this on as a project, let me know.

I have taken this beloved trailer with me nearly everywhere I have gone since I had it - putting tens of thousands of miles on it!  I am completely in love with it, and my dog Grumpy is too - it has been our home away from home for years now,  so we are really seeking a good solution because we do not want to part with our scamp!


Greg A
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Gotta Repair This

This Scamp was our first molded fiberglass trailer and we're as heartbroken about this as Lori. We need to find a solution to get this Scamp repaired.

I suggested horse trailer shops, which there is no shortage of in the Ft Collins area. Googled a possible list: This one looks interesting

There are tons more in the general area as well. You'll find someone that can make this repair, just keep after it.

SOI Members, ideas, thoughts, advice for fixing this up for Lori???

Our Trailers:
2015 19 Escape

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Last seen: 3 years 10 months ago
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Joined: 11/04/2013 - 16:59
Thanks so much Greg.  I am

Thanks so much Greg.  I am already looking at those links, one of them I have already been to, but this is a good start.  I also just watched that video that shows the "band-aid" solution and that might be a possibility if done more permanently too.  I am so thankful for your support - your positive this can be fixed attitude has given me so much hope!

Last seen: 2 months 1 day ago
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Joined: 11/02/2013 - 20:13
Access hole

Looked at this issue before. The crack is under the upper floor under the front bench. From the top use a 4/5 or 6" hole saw to drill an access hole over the cracked frame or use a multi tool to cut out an access hole.  A 90 deg drill or removal of the front bench may be required. You have to be careful using a hole saw of his size. You can use the cut out plug to glass back into the hole after the welding is complete. The welder will then have full access to the frame and feel more comfortable about welding near the floor . FWIW. The older Scamps had thinner frames. It also may be time to evaluate you axle condition.


Last seen: 3 years 10 months ago
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Joined: 11/04/2013 - 16:59
thanks for the advice Eddie -

thanks for the advice Eddie - i will pass that on to potential welders!  I appreciate the reply.

ManWithaVan's picture
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Broken Frame

This is the second Fiberglass RV with a broken frame I've heard about in as many months !!!

Check out this video for their solution...

As Always,

Happy Scamping !!!

Last seen: 3 years 10 months ago
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Joined: 11/04/2013 - 16:59
thanks for sharing that link

thanks for sharing that link - I will share that solution with potential welders and see how they can take that to a permanent fix. 

