Gold edition?

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Last seen: 1 year 3 months ago
Joined: 10/23/2020 - 11:04
Gold edition?

I'm looking to purchase a used 1998 'Gold Edition' Scamp 13'. I previously have owned a 1996 'non-Gold' Scamp and wondering what the difference is besides the color of the decals? Please advise?




ac0gv's picture
Last seen: 1 week 3 days ago
Joined: 09/22/2016 - 13:57
Gold / Deluxe

For several years now the gold graphics have marked the Deluxe, with the wood interior.

My sister had an old one with a wood interior before the Deluxe name was used, that had a "hollow" S in the word Scamp but that was a 1987.Anyone know what year they started using GOLD to indicate the wood interior?.


Last seen: 3 weeks 6 days ago
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Joined: 11/02/2013 - 20:13
Gold graphics

At one time Scamp would let you order a standard model with gold graphics. They (Scamp) also were thinking about letting people order other color graphics. I have seen a picture of a Scamp with black graphics. To be sure of what you get you need to verify the interior.   


Dennis U
Last seen: 1 year 3 weeks ago
Joined: 09/20/2021 - 11:19
Gold Graphics

Apparently Scamp still allows customers a choice, our 2020 19' Deluxe has Red Graphics. Works well with our red Nissan. 

2020 Scamp 19’ Deluxe, 2021 Nissan Frontier Pro4X