Title states it all, can one drop the front dinette table in a Scamp 13 deluxe to make a small bed/ sitting area? I know there is that front cabinet area on the driver's side that makes it impossible to have the full length yet it might be big enough to lounge in the rain sitting somewhat up.
Thanks for your wisdom!
Yes, it lowers down. Sleeping is sideways, I'm 6'3" and it works fine!
The front dinette in the 13 makes a bed that measures 63 ... maybe 64 inches long. I am 5'4" and can just barely fit laying flat. It would be OK for a short nap and good for lounging in the rain sitting up like you asked about. I don't think I could sleep 8 hours in it.
Also be aware that although the table can be removed from the pole to make into a bed it does not drop down as smoothly and easily on hinges like the rear dinette. At least that is the case with my 2022. Others may vary.
I believe my side bed to be 73". ( 2017 deluxe 16' layout b)