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Oregon Jenn
Last seen: 6 years 8 months ago
Joined: 09/11/2017 - 23:31

I duly winterized my Scamp last fall, including putting the RV antifreeze in my fresh water tank. Now that it is occasionally spring-like out here, I am heading out on a road trip. I need to flush out the water system. Two questions: what should I do with the RV anti-freeze (propylene glycol) that is flushed through the lines - dispose of it in the storm drains, or do I need to go to a dump station? And do I need to sterilize the water in the fresh water and hot water tank by bleaching? I've seen conflicting advice on the web.

Greg A
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Last seen: 6 days 8 hours ago
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Joined: 11/02/2013 - 20:45
Non Toxic

RV antifreeze is non-toxic, and supposed to be biodegradable. Of course, this is not to be confused with Automobile anti-freeze which is very toxic.

Never seen any issues about just flushing down drains by the bulk of posts at RV forums.

I don't use anti-freeze in fresh water tank or water heater, just open and drain both plenty of room for expansion if needed. Always have just drained lines, tanks and pour antifreeze directly where needed.

To de-winterize you need to drain fresh tank, water heater, fill and dump a few times and hook city water or pump and run lines till they run clear, then you can go dump grey tank. Always a good idea to bleach sanitize fresh tank at start of season and some during season.

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mspgaff's picture
Last seen: 3 months 2 weeks ago
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Leak from Water Heater??

I'd like to tag on to this one.  Just prepping trailer for a trip after a long MN winter.  As far as I know the water heater was drained as always before leaving a campground.  In winterizing I don't believe anything additional was done in that area.   In opening the trailer cabinet beneath sink where water heater is location, the carpeting was just a tad more than damp.   Does anyone on the board here have some thoughts on where this water was generated.   My interesst is in going forward, I can head this issue off at the pass.   Thank you for your consideration in ideas of my problem.  Wishing you all a great seasoning Rving.  


Barb and John 

athearn2's picture
Last seen: 6 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 02/16/2015 - 10:43
Hand Pump

Our Scamp has the little hand pump at the sink. We have found that if this pump looses its prime it is VERY difficult to get the pump to pump again. We try hard not to let the pump loose its prime. Keeping the handle in its rearmost position for normal use  during the camping season works to hold the prime. To winterize we do not drain the system completely. We drain the fresh water tank then pour two gallons of RV anti-freeze into it. Next we pump the hand pump until the anti-freeze comes out. Pumping a few more times will fill the sink drain trap which can also be damaged by freezing.

mspgaff, If you didn't put anti-freeze in your sink trap it could be damaged causing your wet carpet.