Crosstrek vs. Impreza

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Mark Amft
Last seen: 3 years 5 months ago
Joined: 09/17/2021 - 15:12
Crosstrek vs. Impreza

I know it's asking for trouble to tow a 13 footer with a Crosstrek, but I've heard it can be done. Maybe this is a query for a Subaru owners group, but the engine, power and torque specs on the two cars are identical. Yet Subaru claims the Crosstrek has a towing capacity of 1500 lbs. while towing is not recommended for the Impreza. Any one care to weigh in on this?

Sunfish's picture
Last seen: 5 months 1 day ago
Joined: 08/14/2020 - 21:47
Which towing vehicle

Mark.  The first question is where are you going with your 13-ft Scamp?  If you are going to take short trips to a park, on good highways, and on flat roads, you could probably use either vehicle.  If you are going on long trips, driving on Interstates, traveling in hilly country, and living in windy country, you probably shouldn't choose either.  If you are going to put the vehicle under a lot of demands, then you should look for a vehicle with a greater towing capacity and possibly a factory towing package.

Last seen: 1 year 9 months ago
Joined: 08/20/2018 - 13:45

I can not comment on the Impreza I can talk to the 2018 crosstrek with 6 spd manual. We towed our Scamp 2019 13 standard with bath but not air from New York to Kansas Canada to georga and it can be done with good planning. We did not travel in the real mountains and would likely not be happy with it. We also did not travel with water in the tanks. as it is 8 lb a gallon and sloshes when traveling. We even used my Son's 2018 crosstrek with the Cvt and using a aftermarket ScanGuage 2 unit the cvt temps were a bit high for me and a much larger trans cooler would be mandatory.  Absolutely necessary is trailer brakes and good chassis mounted hitch with 2 inch receiver. Our Curt hitch was rated much higher than the 1,500 but you absolutely must not exceed the car stated limits for safety and liability. It is really at the upper limits of the 2018 crosstrek but in the Midwest it is doable If you are willing to slow down and be very sure you have around 10% of Gross weight on the tongue for stability.  There are lots of bigger better platforms for towing. Lighter and more aerodynamic is better. also the Crosstrek is a bit narrow so additional mirror extensions were needed for visibility. 

2019 Scamp 13 standard

markjazzbassist's picture
Last seen: 1 year 5 days ago
Joined: 12/14/2020 - 15:56
i towed a 16 footer with a

i towed a 16 footer with a honda CRV rated at 1500 lbs as well.  I"m in the midwest though, flat no hills and smooth freeways.  never had issues.  i think you will be fine.  i wouldn't take it to the rocky mountains though.

1987 Scamp 16

Last seen: 2 years 3 months ago
Joined: 11/07/2021 - 16:57
Crosstrek also

So, I also have a crosstrek-2021 4.6 engine.  Rated to tow 1500lbs.  I have a13 with bath and AC on order.  As configured, Scamp says dry weight is about 1750lbs.  I'm seriously considering canceling my order due to concerns about pulling it with my crosstrek.  I think it can be done.  But it would not be smart.  I live in Michigan, so there are some decent hills in some areas.  For me the AC and bath are a must.  Buying a different TV is not an option Any thoughts?

scamp01 (not verified)
I would not. People have done

I would not. People have done it but it is over your tow limit and this can cause sway and other issues. It is not safe for you and others on the road.  Have you looked into the teardrop trailers? They might be within your tow limits. 

Any added weight to the tow vehicle like people and gear takes away the same amount of weight from the tow vehicle capacity.

Always keep in mind every tow vehicle has a maximum tow capacity and you must compute total RV weights including, passengers, cargo, and fluids and fuel. Also keep in mind that any weight added to the tow vehicle takes the same amount of weight from the towing capacity.

To recap, the most important items associated with trailer sways are:

a) under-inflated tires
b) improper weight distribution
c) improper hitch adjustments
d) no sway control
e) air pressure from transfer trucks passing
f) long downhill (descent)
g) lateral wind
h) towing speed
I) inadequate towing vehicle
j) overload conditions
k) hitch to tow vehicle rear axle distance
l) poor trailer design
m) mismatched tow vehicle & trailer
n) not completing trailer/tow vehicle checklis


scamp01 (not verified)