Alternative to a Dirty Door Interior

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Last seen: 4 years 10 months ago
Joined: 09/05/2014 - 09:18
Alternative to a Dirty Door Interior

As seen at the 2015 FL Scamp Camp, this was probably the most frequent inquiry I received. Installing better weather stripping around Scamp doors will help keep the elements from penetrating inside, but putting rat fur on the bottom of any door is just poor design. It’s fighting an uphill battle of cleaning maintenance, and who wants to spend their time cleaning door fabric every time they move their trailer?

I opted to just remove the fur at the base.

1) Cut the section of fur you want to remove with a utility knife/ sharp box cutter. The fur peels off. Take care pulling around the outer vinyl door trim.
It’s near impossible to remove the rat fur behind the plastic corner plate. Cut to the plate and use a paintable silicone to seal off the gap.

2) Clean the remaining contact cement/glue off the door with acetone.

3) Mask and paint. I used a hammered metallic spray paint.

4) There will be a gap in the vinyl trim where the rat fur used to fill in. I used a black silicone to fill it in (especially at the bottom of the door), and help the trim hold in place. To get a clean caulk line, mask off around the edge of the painted section.

5) Trim out the cut fur line with desired material. I used a fiber rope (hot-glued on and tapered at ends).

 Now all I have to do to keep the bottom of the door clean it swipe it with a brush or rag. 

keepontrying's picture
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Joined: 01/27/2014 - 22:37
Door Alternatives

Hi Hildaga ,

Your door looks great I just took our 98 scamp door off yesterday ....I sat it on a couple of sawhorses with padding with the rat fur facing up I removed the rusty door latch and handle the rat fur was extremely soiled from the door handle down , it is not a perfect match however I found material dye that is pretty close carefully I taped off the window and trim and gave it 2 coats and will be putting the 3rd coat onto today out in the sunshine .....I will try to post some before and after pictures , when I get it finished ..

Steve and Sandy

Steve and Sandy
1998 Scamp 16 Ft Deluxe
1973 Boler 13 Ft project
2000 Ford Expedition
Anacortes ( Guemes Island )

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Door Alternatives

What kind of material dye?????

Thanks in advance.

Bob D
2005 13' Scamp  "Lil Critter"
Brenda, AZ

Flyboyscamp's picture
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Rat Fur on the Door

We use a white powdered cleaner called Capture. We scrub it in with a brush, vacuum off and comes out super clean!

<p>Doug Allen 2016 Ford F-150 2018 Lance 1575</p>

keepontrying's picture
Last seen: 6 years 2 weeks ago
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Joined: 01/27/2014 - 22:37
Door Alternatives Pics

Hi as I said in my earlier comment I would post the before and after pics of the rat fur door ...

I still need to put the latches and hardware on but as you can see I fixed the rat fur.....

Unfortunately ours was too far gone to even try and scrub it



Steve and Sandy
1998 Scamp 16 Ft Deluxe
1973 Boler 13 Ft project
2000 Ford Expedition
Anacortes ( Guemes Island )

Hidalga's picture
Last seen: 4 years 10 months ago
Joined: 09/05/2014 - 09:18
Thanks for the pics. One

Thanks for the pics. One other idea I considered was to cover the door with a distressed animal hide, but over time, I'd guess that the elements would start to show on that covering too. I'm all about low maintenance...There's enough I have to stay on top of to keep everything running and looking good as it is. Enjoy the clean ease of your modification!

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