this is what I want to do.
Add Wires: Ground, brake light(Right and Left) and back up.. inside near center top of rear window.
I was told that Scamp can not put these wire in at the time of the build.
Question: Has any one put in wires in there new 13 ft.
Any help in how to do this will be appreciated
Thanks for your Help
If you have an upper rear cabinet you won't have to run the wires horz. under the rat fur. The vertical run from under the rear seat you can run up under the ratfur trim strip. Pull one side up and hot glue wires under it and hot glue the trim strip back in place. The molded four conductor trailer wire is easy to manage running wires under ratfur. For BU just tape a wire to the molded wires. All your wires needed will be accessile where the LH tail light ties in under the drivers side rear bench. I have found a red light fixture about 1.5" X18" that will give you turn and brake lights but it shows the 3 light wide vehicle (>80") light for a runing light. There is also a matching back up light fixture in that style. I will try to find a link later to the lights. There is a curve in the trailer skin so I make shims for the end out of composite door shim for mounting. If you have not picked up your trailer you might buy a yard or so of extra ratfur for mods. and oops.
One other note Rat fur will stretch just be careful pulling back the rat fur.
This company also sells a matching BU light assy.