3 " raise

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Snow Gypsy
Last seen: 10 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 02/11/2014 - 13:36
3 " raise

I know that to pull the 5th wheel with the class 2 or 3 truck you need to have a 3" raise on the 5th wheel.   My question is how can you tell visually looking at the scamp 5th wheel whether it has the raise on it or not? 

Earl A.
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Last seen: 3 years 6 hours ago
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Joined: 11/02/2013 - 00:45
3" Rise

When I bought my 5er, the factory asked what kind of vehicle would be pulling it and the distance from the ground to the top rail.  They said I would need a rise - so I know I have one.  How do I tell by looking at it visually?   Look under the trailer, right beside the wheel.  You will probably see a 3 inch by 1 or 2 inch tubular bar welded to the bottom side of the frame.  The axle will be sitting on that.  When I look at my trailer, the tubular bar is about 4 feet long.

When I bought my 5er, I had a '96 Chevy.  In 2012, I upgraded to a 2012 Silverado.  The side rails on the '96 were a little lower than on the 2012.  Originally I was concerned that the new rail heights would be a problem.  It didn't turn out to be a problem.  The only difference was less clearance between the truck rails and the trailer overhang.  Now there is 7 to 9 inch clearance and still leaves plenty of room for going around corners or traveling through dips.

- - Earl

Snow Gypsy
Last seen: 10 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 02/11/2014 - 13:36

Thank you.  My husband posted this.  Looks like it wouldn't be that difficult to tell one from the other.  That really helps.


mccownw's picture
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Joined: 11/02/2013 - 20:20
5'er clearance

We do not have a Scamp 5'er.  But we did own for ca.10 years a 32' Jayco fifth wheel.  When we first brought it home, there was not enough clearance to back out of our driveway, given the drainage "dip" street-side.  So we had to raise the fifth wheel hitch a few inches. to give ca. 4-5 inches of clearance to the bed rails.  I would think 9" should be more than enough.  Is the trailer fairly level (for use when hitched to the truck)?

Snow Gypsy
Last seen: 10 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 02/11/2014 - 13:36
Issue Would Be With Used

We are looking for the tow vehicle for a 5th wheel at this time but stalling since it looks like it will be difficult to find a used 5th wheel and if we go with a TT, don't want a truck at all.  We had seen one listed at a dealer a few states away but realized at that time, with a dealer especially, that we would need to match the 5th wheel with a truck when it comes to the rise.  If purchased from an owner, more simple since they usually let you know what they are towing with.  I have come to realize that all around, a TT is a simpler choice yet not really the best when it comes to space.  We'll get it worked out.  Thanks.

In edit, I have found a good article on someone's blog about conversion and towing with a SportTrak.  It just seems there is so much more to consider when towing a 5th wheel versus the TTs.  I still think the 5th wheel is just too cute though.
