Just Installed our new Fiama Awning

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Last seen: 6 years 1 month ago
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Joined: 01/27/2014 - 22:37
Just Installed our new Fiama Awning

We purchased a new 10 ft Fiama awning  from Panther rv products  http://panther-rvproducts.com/main.sc   .

Great people to work with  Ethan  went out of his way to help us special order exactly what we wanted  for the color....We ordered brackets from scamp that unfortunately did not work on our 16 ft 98 scamp without some modifications including cutting and drilling new holes as well as replacing all nuts bolts and washers with SS hardware .....Sealed all brackets to roof with 3M 5200 white .... 


Cutting brackets down to size ....  


Drilling new mounting holes ......


Attached bracket to roof after modification .....


All three brackets mounted on trailer ......  


Awning on and ready to go do some November scamping Yeah !!!!!!!

will post a picture of the awning open after " Minnie Pearl " is out of the shop

Greg A
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Nice Awning Mod

With parts hard to come by for the Catalina's this is a good write up for Scamp Owners that have older Scamps and may need to go with the current awning. Minnie Pearl, is starting to look all grown up! wink

I'll add this post to the Modifications table of contents for easy future reference.

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Flyboyscamp's picture
Last seen: 4 years 3 months ago
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Got the same awning installed

Got the same awning installed FREE at the factory! Just love it! Finally, a good awning for Scamps!

<p>Doug Allen 2016 Ford F-150 2018 Lance 1575</p>