want to see a SCAMP before we buy, Boston or within 150 miles

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Last seen: 7 years 3 months ago
Joined: 10/09/2015 - 06:55
want to see a SCAMP before we buy, Boston or within 150 miles

We're excited about the 13' Scamp, it seems to meet all of our needs. BUT, we'd like to see one before placing an order. If you are within reasonable driving distance of Boston and would be willing to show us your SCAMP, please get in touch through this web site!  Thank you!   Mary Harman



Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
Joined: 09/03/2015 - 19:35

We just picked up a 16' from Kentucky and are located near Newburyport if that would help you.

Mark & Maureen

Last seen: 7 years 3 months ago
Joined: 10/09/2015 - 06:55
Yes, please


We'd love to see your SCAMP. Looks like toward the end of next week Thursday 22, Friday 23 or over the weekend would work for us, what about you?  I used to live in Newburyport, what town are you in?    ----Thanks for offering, Mary Harman





Mary H

Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
Joined: 09/03/2015 - 19:35
Tour of Scamp

Hi Mary,

I have sent a private message, let me know if you don't get it.
