For those worrying about the hole and bugs that the AC cable hookup output creates... I used one of my old car wash CHEAP sponges and cut it to fit around the cable and the output hole... After that, I used a very "small amount" of bug spray on the outside of the sponge (and then closed the cable door) and haven't had any problems with bugs coming in that area... (so far)...
Fri, 09/25/2015 - 18:11
For those worrying about the hole and bugs that the AC cable hookup output creates...
This may be just the solution I'm looking for as a solution to my occasional "camper ants" that show up from nowhere, can't find anything to snack on, and are just as mysteriously gone the next day. :)
Scampering Along in SC,
Glad to help...
<p>Doug Allen 2016 Ford F-150 2018 Lance 1575</p>
I added a feature as to locking down the Power Cord Access Panel (as of now, its untested for travel)... The two screws keep the lid from popping off during travel as well as keeping it lockdown while camping... See pictures...

So you put the screws in to keep the door closed while traveling down the road...and unscrew them to open it and pull out the cord?
Hi and yes, plus after the cord is extended and in place I then re-install the screws to keep the panel closed... I use two #8-5/8" Stainless Steel Screws... I only snug them, NEVER, NEVER tighten them... ONLY SNUG them in. If you have to use more then two fingers on the screw driver (after this modification), you using to much power on them. I've tested it six times so far and everything is fine. Time will tell if this is a bad or good idea. It seems like a lot of work but actually it's no more then leveling your camper or setting up chairs around the camper etc... The holes I had to put in the Access panel where a bit smaller than the screws to insure backing out resistance... Remember, all of this was done on SOFT PLASTIC... Anyone that tends to strip screws and nuts, I would advise NOT to do this modification....