My used Scamp is out & about

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Steve P
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Last seen: 7 years 4 months ago
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My used Scamp is out & about


One week ago I traveled 1,000 miles to buy my Scamp in Colorado.  My drive over from So. CA went well, I crossed over the rocky mto on the I-70, it was a gorgeous day!

 I met the seller last Thursday and three hours later began my two weeks of sightseeing prior to my return home.  Due to a major snow storm coming in I headed south.  I've seen some pretty nasty weather, but finally today that gave way to superb conditions. I am now at the McDonalds writing this to all of you.

The Scamp needed some minor repair and  that was completed today by a very efficient RV shop here.

Presently I am trying to figure out where to go next.  Yesterday I was at Carlsbad Caverns.

My wife didn't come because she still works.  I'll write more about this travel adventure once I get home.  

I'll attach a photo of my Scamp who I have yet to  name.  Thanks to all of you who have been so helpful to me on this great site.








Greg A
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Quite a journey you've had to find ur Scamp. laugh

I'm sure you are having a great shakedown trip. Be safe out there and can't wait to see some pics.

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Between the mountains and the weather, I guess it probably gave you a good shakedown trip.  I am happy that you were able to locate one since I know you had your doubts which makes it coming together all that much more great.  Enjoy!


Rich and Val
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Happy Trails

Steve, welcome to the Scamp world. Glad to hear you found your trailer. Send some pics when you get settled. Some of us in the northern states are living vicariously through others until we can get our trailers out from under the snow and the very cold weather. Happy trails!

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What tow car are you using

What tow car are you using for the 16' scamp ?

Steve P
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Last seen: 7 years 4 months ago
Joined: 02/01/2015 - 00:52

Pulling it very nicely with a 2011 Honda Odyssey mini van, rated for 3,500 Lbs.

Steve P
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Last seen: 7 years 4 months ago
Joined: 02/01/2015 - 00:52

I am writing this off the top of my head so, if it isn't organized well you'll know why. After buying the '03 Scamp in So. Colorado I eventually got into warmer weather after about a week of travel. During that week I enjoyed the Alien Museum in Roswell NM, Carlsbad Caverns, White Sands Nat'l Monument, and, two historical sites in NM (the town where Billy the Kid was jailed (Lincoln) and escaped plus Fort Stanton, a well preserved cavalry fort dating back to the time of the civil war. Around El Paso, TX I visited the Border Patrol Museum, toured the Maglofflin home (circa 1900), drove the trans mountain route via the scenic drive.

Previously I mentioned some minor repairs done at reasonable prices by a shop near El Paso. The main problem was to have the heaters thermostat replaced. The heater was working on an intermittent basis and I had to wake it up by turning it on and off periodocally. Finally it just konked out completely. The heater was very essential on my trip, one night got down to 16 degrees and another 18. When the heater died I bee lined directly to El Paso area to get it fixed. My travels were for fun and to become familiar with the 16' Scamp. Also, too deal with any repair issues that needed repair prior to getting home in So. CA. After the thermostat failed I went a few days before the gas line from the regulator to the propane tank sprung a leak. I heard a hissing sound and smelled the propane, but having grandparents raised in Missouri (the show me state) it was, LOL, necessary for me to use a lighter to verify the propane by lighting it! I think when I meet God he'll tell me he was watching out for me on this and other occasions.

After El Paso I traveled over to So. east AZ where I visited
Charicahau National Monument, a place where four eco zones come together and a place that the Apache Indians called the land of standing rocks. Another interesting place near there was Fort Bowie, where Geronimo surrendered.

After a couple of great days in So. eastern AZ I continued west and located a nice museum named Miembres Museum. This little museum is kind of a miniature Smithsonian with everything from western items of 1900 to a collection of fine china, and, in between some classic cars and great Indian artifacts. Recollection tells me it was in Wilcox, AZ.

Around this time I decided to put water in my on board tank to see how that would work. Well it didn't work to well because I soon discovered a leak in plastic filter by the water pump. So, I resumed using only bottled water until I could fix the filter. I replaced it a week or so after I got home. In spite of using only bottled water I had a great trip. For showering I went to two different hot springs, stayed in one camp ground for two nights that had a shower, and, showered at a truck stop once. Other days I took sponge baths.
Most nights at camped for free in WalMart parking lots.

After, Wilcox I drove to Organ Pipe Cactus Nat'l Mon. And stayed there for three nights. That is an incredible place, a huge area loaded with saguaros as well as the organ pipe cactus, it is beautiful and very much worth visiting. After my time there I drove home.

Now the shake down trip continues as my wife and I and our dog are spending six nights camped in front of her sisters house in Santa Barbara, CA. On this trip we are hooked up to electric and city water for the first time. The first few nights went well but on the third night the intake valve on the toilet started leaking and I had to disconnect the water from the trailer, no biggie as we shower in the house anyway. This repair shouldn't be too hard and I'll deal with it after I get home.

Even though I've encountered numerous problems with the Scamp I bought I am still thrilled to have it and my wife likes to. Plus are dog now thinks she owns a house on wheels!

I'll close for now, I hope you've enjoyed reading about my adventures on the road. And, please feel free to comment.

Flyboyscamp's picture
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Wow! Now that is a journey to

Wow! Now that is a journey to remember and savor! I so love beauty of the southwest, having been born and raised in San Diego. Now stuck here in the Midwest just west of St. Louis, St. Charles, MO. We were so fortunate to have just everything on our 2008 new to us Scamp work just fine. I am not at all handy and must surrender our Scamp to trailer repair places! Great read and keep those fun stories coming!

<p>Doug Allen 2016 Ford F-150 2018 Lance 1575</p>

Joy A.
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Hey Steve,

Hey Steve,

I'm happy you decided on the size Scamp you wanted.  It is great you found it so quickly.  I noticed a Steve, from Yucaipa, signed up for Earl's May gathering.  I quickly emailed him to say "Hey that must be tenter Steve we met at "Q".  I look forward to seeing your new baby and meeting your wife if she'll be coming with you in May.

See you in Pine Grove.

Joy A.

Joy A. & Olive

2001 13 Scamp "Puff"


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Steve P
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Last seen: 7 years 4 months ago
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Pine Grove

See you there.  Unsure as to my wife coming or not but our dog Precious will be along.

Flyboyscamp's picture
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What type of dog, little?

What type of dog, little? Hope all of you can join in on the fun. It will be here before we know it!

<p>Doug Allen 2016 Ford F-150 2018 Lance 1575</p>