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Last seen: 9 years 12 months ago
Joined: 11/23/2014 - 15:24

Hi everyone - we were wondering what your thoughts are on security with your Scamp. Do you do anything special in terms of securing the Scamp trailer itself so no one takes off with it? Also, do you leave your valuables inside your Scamp while you're off in your vehicle doing activities/touring? Do you ever worry that someone might break in? Do you take any special precautions?

Appreciate any advice/thoughts you have.

Cheers - Ellen & Scott

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I always padlock the the hitch - on the vehicle and off.


Greg A
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Joined: 11/02/2013 - 20:45
Same as Lynn

Hitchlock when stored, camping and towing. Been stories of the trailers driving away on someone else's truck when you are in a restaurant eating lunch. Never had a problem in a campground with a breakin, too much activity going on in the campgrounds I guess. I'd be most concerned when boondocking with that issue. Only real valuables we take camping are the laptops due to having our own business we're never away from work, frown and we keep those with us in the tow vehicle when we are out and about.

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2015 19 Escape

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Like Greg says,we dont take valuables from home except our laptops and we do like he does,keep them with us at all times... We had our T@b camper stole out of storage a few years back,yes,the tonuge was locked but it didnt stop them,they sat the locked hitch on top of their ball on the hitch and got something like 10 miles with it before hitting a bump and it fell off and they left it in the middle of the street....Ended up doing over $4000 damage to it. Really if people want something,no matter what you do to protect it,they will try anyhow,Sad state of the world we live in today



Launey and Earlene

Snow Gypsy
Last seen: 10 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 02/11/2014 - 13:36
We use a wheel lock that is

We use a wheel lock that is also a "chock".  We had a heavy pop-up taken near Tucson from our yard.  Had seen a flat bed in neighborhood the week before looking around.  You could see they pulled it to the street with hitch lock in place and then loaded it.  It weighed over 2,000 lbs.  


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Don't leave anything in your Scamp trailer of value that you wouldn't want stolen.  I found that my door key that fits my trailer's Scamp factory door lock also fit and unlocks all the other Scamp trailers that I got permission from their owners to try my key in.  The oldest Scamp trailer was a 1978 13 ft. trailer.  Beware If you have a Scamp factory installed door lach/lock on your Scamp trailer; I've found that they probably are all keyed alike!!!  Don't take my word for this.  Go and ask the owner's permission to try your key in their Scamp trailer to see if your Scamp door key unlockes their trailer door.  I tested & unlocked at least a half a dozen Scamp trailers with the owners permission with my own trailer key.  In all the one thing I did learn is how unsafe my trailer was with the door locked.  So if I want to keep something secure, I lock it in my TV.

I hope this info. helps on how unsecure your Scamp trailer may be.   

Snow Gypsy
Last seen: 10 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 02/11/2014 - 13:36
CH751 Key

We have had a few stick trailers and including the current pop-up, the key to the outside storage area doors is #CH751 and it is always the same.  We usually change them but have not with the pop-up since it would be extremely easy to get in anyway.

They did find our pop-up in South Tucson when they went out to serve a warrant.  The women told the police officer that we loaned it to the guy they lived with who wasn't home at the time (surprise) and probably just forgot.  It was the first new and pricey thing we ever bought.  The insurance paid out which was good because the police department impounded it as evidence.  Luckily, it was off-season for us and we had almost nothing in it.



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Floor Safe

I have a floor safe in my tow vehicle , that I installed , it does give us a feeling of security as we can lock up our smaller things . I plan to put a larger floor safe in one of the comparments in the scamp I did try three scamp keys and three different scamp locks the keys did not work for the newer scamp lock but definitely worked in the older locks ...... You can remove your door handle and take it to a lock smith if you are concerned about this issue and have the lock rekeyed . Also in the past I used to tow a restored volkswagon bug when we would leave it at the campsite if I had any concerns about anyone stealing it while I left the campsite , I carried a chain and would lock the axle to a tree, which by the way we also do this with our generator at night or when we leave the campsite....   


Steve and Sandy
1998 Scamp 16 Ft Deluxe
1973 Boler 13 Ft project
2000 Ford Expedition
Anacortes ( Guemes Island )