I took the plunge and cut a hole in the under-seat compartment wall (passenger side) and installed a custom built 3-drawer cubby. The drawers were purchased on the internet, white plexiglass, dimensions 12x16x2 inches.
Sat, 09/03/2022 - 11:35
Added 3-drawer cubby in under-seat compartment
I can't do it because I have two water tanks, but in case others want one, do you have a link to it? Amazon?
I built the box myself, and for the shelves I bought trays on Amazon:
Is that the 13' big-bed?
Yes, correct. With a single water tank, so plenty of spare space in the passenger-side under-seat compartment.
Oh, I like this idea. Easier then lifting up the cushions to use the space underneath. What about mildew? I find the storage spaces don't have much ventilation (if any) and when I put a "Damp Rid" container in there that seems to collect a lot of water.
I haven't noticed dampness or mildew in the storage spaces, in the 9 months since we picked up our Scamp at the factory. Regardless, the design of the cubby isolates/separates the drawer contents from the storage-space air -- the openings in the cubby are into the living space.
Love those drawers! Great idea, but I would be terrified to cut the fiberglass! Very brave!