2019 Scamp 13 Upper Bunk Support

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Lance Anderman
Last seen: 2 years 10 months ago
Joined: 10/05/2021 - 09:57
2019 Scamp 13 Upper Bunk Support

So here is my version of extra support for my upper bunk in my 2019 Scamp 13. My goal was to be as least invasive as possible and make it easily removable, so I can use the couch if needed. I drilled zero holes into the fiberglass. First, I made steel support poles similar to the factory supports from black pipe, flat steel and some welding. They are a little longer than the factory ones. I also bought square aluminum tube at Home Depot, used aluminum welding rods and a map gas plumbing touch to weld them together to create the frame support. The factory support poles and the new rear support poles slip into the 1”inch aluminum frame. The front screws are still used to keep the front poles in place. The last piece, was creating the wood ends to keep the new steel poles in place. You could probably use factory ones, I made mine with a wood lathe. I used liquid nails to hold them in place.  

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1987 Scamp 16