Scamp Propane heater intermittent doesn’t heat issue

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Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: 05/29/2020 - 09:08
Scamp Propane heater intermittent doesn’t heat issue

Have an issue with our propane heater turning on but not providing any heat, sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't.  Usually once it starts to it will continue too until led to do for a whole.  Our stove will always fire up.  We've had to at times fire up stove for couple minutes then propane heater will work correctly.  Any idea what's causing this and what can be done about it?


thank you!

markjazzbassist's picture
Last seen: 1 year 3 days ago
Joined: 12/14/2020 - 15:56
it's common to need to pull

it's common to need to pull the propane through the lines by firing up your stove before you use your heater.  that is pretty standard practice in all RV's.  I would recommend replacing your thermostat if it's older, i did mine in my 1987 and it works very well now.  Also you might want to take off the furnace cover inside and outside to see if there are any wasp nests/bugs/spider webs/etc that are cloggin things up.  after you do that i recommend buying these to continue to protect the outside from pests:

1987 Scamp 16

Last seen: 1 year 9 months ago
Joined: 08/20/2018 - 13:45

Do you have a minimum of 12 volt for the fridge to run on. There is a sail switch i the rear that senses if the blower is up to speed and allow operation.  also as stated look carefully for mud dauber  nests in the external intake and exhaust. But sometimes they make nests way deep inside and impossible to see without removal.  Gas and also air flow is critical for proper operation.  

2019 Scamp 13 standard