Tag Question and Outside Shower Q...and would love to see a scamp inside

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Tag Question and Outside Shower Q...and would love to see a scamp inside

Question on license tags: Trying to be diligent and avoiding a heavy fine, my state doesn't require a tag for a camping trailer. We want to travel out of state, of course. What are your recommendations...I know have a copy if law handy...Scamp registration... is it worth buying a tag just to prevent pullovers from perhaps bored policemen? I am waiting on my Scamp still...no shower option for many good reasons...we wanted the smaller...we have three people...and we most likely will have facilities unless boondocking.

Outside showers- does anyone have experience with outside shower in case of bathroom closures or boondocking? Trying to decide because solar shower bags are not my option. We have utilized these in areas in mountainous west and it really was " time"  conscience for we had to have time for it to heat and little time to shower because cool night would set in by 2 or 3... We'd rather been using daylight to explore and hike, etc. Besides the extra cost, the taking up of storage space.  Our teenager will use the bunks because the cozy feel is preferred...but if we need more storage, then that may be where a cabinet goes high... don't want to cram a teen's space. I have checked into the rack tube solar as well. At the same time, something to be said when it's just ready to go and easy at our age! We do have a privacy tent already.

We have the side cabinets, furnace, a.c., screen door, gray tank...big bed, awning, etc. We had initially felt we could eliminate the hot water heater and just heat water with our electricity most if the time when needed so initially no hot water heater.

We are usually tent campers for 30+ years. Aporox 4-5 yrs ago, we bought a small sleeping trailer right now for inclement weather weekends or extreme heat. This was a must after 88° nights ( at midnight) one week in Chattanooga TN and no air moving in our nice airy tent! We love this little camper but it only sleeps NOW tightly the three of us...add to this we like to play Farkle and cards/ games at night and in a cold blowing rain, current arrangements just kind of leave us sitting indian style in tent or camper...so we are upgrading!!

Welcome any insight on the tag issue or outside shower. We eat outside most if the time and felt small and do the things we need shelter was best budget and towing on a 13'

Last, we are out and about this summer camping... mostly southeast United States this year- Raleigh area, Hattiesburg area, Biloxi area and even in Atlanta...we live in Tennessee. We would be ever so grateful to just see a Scamp... prefer 13' but we'd take 16' offer as well. We'd mask up...we will have had our second shots by the end of this week ( except for the teen). We found one recently while camping but these folks were not excited or very friendly about our enthusiasm they had a Scamp and our future purchase. I guess they either were tired of people wanting to see their Scamp or just the  unfriendly 5% campers...who knows. We never asked to see but just didn't feel comfortable. 

Thank you and sorry this was lengthy read.




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Joined: 09/22/2016 - 13:57
Carry something in writing

Strange that you have had no replies. A search of TN web page says Tennessee law requires the titling and registration of every:

  • motor vehicle,
  • motorized bicycle,
  • trailer,
  • semi-trailer, and
  • pole trailer that is driven or moved on a highway.


In my state (WI) registration is not required for any trailer under 3000 lbs , BUT A SCAMP IS NOT A TRAILER! A Scamp is an RV and requires registration. I would want my name on a piece of paper to prove ownership.  If not, I’d carry a piece of paper indicating that registration is not required in my home state.

Scamp did all of my paper work when I picked mine up.

Last seen: 1 year 11 months ago
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Joined: 12/05/2020 - 19:13
Thank you!

I googled unsuccessfully but was probably putting in wrong info. Thank you again!




Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
Joined: 03/21/2021 - 22:51
car for towing

Friends- We are looking for ideas as to best cars to tow a 13' Scamp- what is considered good mileage when towing?
