HARVEST HOSTS-free rv parking

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Greg A
Greg A's picture
Last seen: 1 day 18 hours ago
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Joined: 11/02/2013 - 20:45
Clown Car

Yes the four of us piling out of the 81 13 in the morning caused the Quartzsite gathering to nickname it "The Clown Car." We are 6 years away from Full/PT but have started the early preparations for it. Maybe we'll hook up somewhere when we're both out there nomadding it.

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2015 19 Escape

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Snow Gypsy
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Joined: 02/11/2014 - 13:36

Well, dealing with toddlers when you are in your 20's or 30's isn't the same as when you are in your 50's or 60's.  Also, seems that comfort is becomes more appreciated as one ages.  Our son with Down syndrome, although 28 years old, functions at the 40 month level which is a challenge to my aging body and mind!  I can leash the dogs but...............  : )

One thought I had was that I wouldn't want to provide a place to park for an RVer unless it was someone that I was some what acquainted with.  Not everyone that travels is someone you want in your back yard.  I have seen a real variety of people, some forced into the lifestyle, and I would be very cautious.  You could get someone that refused to leave or you have a group of people that travel, we'll call them, "slip and fall" that might make you glad you have good homeowner's insurance.  I realize this sounds negative but it is well worth a thought.

There are plenty of people snowbirding in tiny trailers these days.  I think for some it must be a relief and also a great way to "test" the waters of RV living.  I also see people downsizing to the tiny trailers when they can no longer handle the bigger units and don't want to give up the lifestyle.  

Never a one size or situation fits all.




Flyboyscamp's picture
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Joined: 01/01/2014 - 15:17

Never had kids, just no desire. Quiet home, nothing broken, much in the savings account! We shall be ready to full time (sort of) in just a few years.

<p>Doug Allen 2016 Ford F-150 2018 Lance 1575</p>

Earlene's picture
Last seen: 6 days 2 hours ago
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Joined: 09/20/2014 - 13:14
Clown car

I found that expression funny :-) Back in 81 I was running our 15 year old son from coast to coast for bicycle races,got tired of motels all the time while hubby worked,so we bought the new Scamp....no bathroom no holding tanks that I can remember but did have a porta potty that we never used{Oh to be young again and not need those pottys so often} anyhow we always made a sight when we pulled into town,as we had to carry not only my stuff,one schnauzer dog,food and clothes but also everything and anything that goes with bike racing...People were always amazed at all the stuff that came out of the camper when we would hit a race track or a fairgrounds and start unloading...Gregs clown car remark made me remember those good times. Like Cathy says,I wouldnt be so much as to having people in my yard,even if we had a big enough one,or for that matter going to someones elses yard,I feel safter just sleeping on a walmart parking lot where there are always plenty of other people around. 

Launey and Earlene

mccownw's picture
Last seen: 6 months 1 week ago
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One of the advantages of the

One of the advantages of the SCAMP is that you can park/camp almost anywhere: private parks, public parks, primitive camps, parking lots, back yards, private driveways, etc.!  (Been there; done that.)

Mechek's picture
Last seen: 7 years 2 months ago
Joined: 05/05/2017 - 04:47
I cannot access the link you

I cannot access the link you provided. 

Greg A
Greg A's picture
Last seen: 1 day 18 hours ago
SOI-AdministratorLifetime Member
Joined: 11/02/2013 - 20:45
Which One

They all seem to be working, which link?

Our Trailers:
2015 19 Escape

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Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: 08/06/2020 - 11:49
We have used it. Our nephew

We have used it. Our nephew got married in a farm that was 45 minutes from the nearest hotel or b&b. We didn't want to pay the $300 a night so we joined Harvest Host. We stayed 10 minutes from the wedding venue. The host was nice. We bought honey, creamer and some fruit for breakfast from there farm stand. It was great. Then covid happened so we haven't had a chance to use it again but we will. 


BuckExpress's picture
Last seen: 2 years 3 months ago
Joined: 06/30/2020 - 08:22

We got our membership yesterday.. Can't wait to use it. Did A lot of reading about it and all was good!
