Shake down adjustment

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Bob and Beth
Last seen: 6 years 10 months ago
Lifetime Member
Joined: 03/25/2014 - 08:31
Shake down adjustment

We havn't had our "official" shakedown cruse. This will be next weekend in the Smoky Mtns N.E. of Ashville NC. We are hoping for some cool weather. 

I drove our new Scamp 13 back from MN and had my 1st Walmart and and truck stop overnights last week. The truckers  got a kick out of the name "Little Dude" for our Scamp. It cetainely was a little dude parked between two semi's.  All seems well as far as function goes on our bunk bed version, however after I hit rain storms she developed a pretty loud floor squeak  right where I  get out of the 54" wide bed. The queak continues.  Looking underneath I can't see a seam that might have some play. Is there one or could it be loose screws that look like they secure the particle board to the frame but don't ? I realize this may not be a simple fix. Does anyone have a suggested evaluation secquence and possible fix ideas.  

Also, It  seems that in the forum we are getting a lot us newbeys looking at repair and adjustment issues. Would it make sense to have a Subject  for these sorts of things to include the story of the the first Scamping experience. I as a newby look through the forums for the experiences of other people getting started with their Scamps.  I simply love ours. It might also promote the idea of reportiing the shakedown trip for a "new" Scamp for oldtimers as well. Bob


Joe Z
Last seen: 7 years 1 month ago
Lifetime Member
Joined: 11/04/2013 - 16:59
"Little Dude"

I know the feeling of parking between the big rigs. I drove semi's similar to the blue one on the left for about thirty years..... retired now, do I miss it? "Yes" bigger than the casita inside and at about.52cents a mile it adds up fast to see the country.....the casita is so small that you can pull into the cars only side to stay away from the big rigs and nobody will say anything.... most pilot T stops about 50 miles outside of big cities have rv parking which i readily use.

As for the squeak Scamp has a marine type plywood open to the road surface side which i would prefer over casita's sandwiched in on both sides where moisture can't escape and wood rots quicker..... As soon as the weather dries out it will probably go away if not have someone stand inside to make the squeak and while you are underneath try to pinpoin the noise and then just take a small shim with some weather type elmers glue and bang it in place

Picture was taken on I-81 at a rest area about 20 miles south of Carlisle Pa with an approaching snow storm where i hunkered down for the night



Joe & Linda
New River, Arizona 

2013 Casita SD 17'

Bob and Beth
Last seen: 6 years 10 months ago
Lifetime Member
Joined: 03/25/2014 - 08:31
"Little dude" between semis

Thanks Joe and Linda for suggestion and comment. Actually I liked being  between the big boys. I had been driving up from NC and was about half way back and bone tired. The big roar of the whole yard full  put me to sleep about 6PM and I was up refresshed  and running at  3 AM.  

Bob and Beth

2014 S-13 (del 6/23/14) "Little Dude"
2013 Subaru Outback 2.5i