Any suggestions for how to speed up the draining of the sink in our 16' front bath 2018 Scamp? All visible parts of the clear drain tube are clear.
Any suggestions for how to speed up the draining of the sink in our 16' front bath 2018 Scamp? All visible parts of the clear drain tube are clear.
It is the same pump / filter as the shower. Is the shower draining OK?
Good question above. Under our showers is a suction filter below the floor attached to the intake side of the scavenge pump. hair and soap scum will plug that. The cap unscrews and the filter is easy clean. If done occasionally it is not bad to disassemble if it has been a long time it can be stuck. Carefully and not super force is your friend.
Was the drain and pump winterized to keep it from freez damage
2019 Scamp 13 standard
The shower drain is also slow. Yes, it was winterized. Thanks for the tips.
This is mine on a 2017 16' after a recent trip that involved some house attic work.
That screen is something that I end up cleaning at least three times a season, since we use the shower often. Protecting the transfer pump is important. I usually end up pulling off the "stuff" and washing it in the kitchen sink.
2004 Scamp 19 Deluxe,
2021 Tacoma, Double Cab, 6 cyl. 4WD