Honda CRV 2014 towing Scamp 13'?

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Last seen: 9 years 11 months ago
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Honda CRV 2014 towing Scamp 13'?

I have a Honda CRV 2014.  Towing capaity is 1500 pounds.  I'm looking to buy a Scamp 13' with the shower and toilet option in the basic model (fiberglass instead of wood interior).  Scamp claims that their unit can weight up to 1500 pounds.  I got a quote from scamp with the options I wanted with a weight of 1425 pounds.  When traveling, I would not have the water tanks full in order to pull less weight.  My wife and I would be the only two people traveling.  Miles traveled would be up to 800 miles round trip.  My trips would only be to places where we would have full hooks up capabilities close to the town where we are traveling. 

So the big question is, Can the CRV handle the load?  Also how much weight can the interior of the CRV handle along with the Scamp 13'?

Snow Gypsy
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Here is a website that talks

Here is a website that talks about weights and defines the related terms involved:  (No matter how I post this, it comes up page not found but you will be on the website that you need for the info so you can just choose an item from the sidebar and you'll be there.)  I'm not familiar with the weights on the 13' but this sounds like a dry weight, nothing in your tanks and none of your gear which only leaves you with 75 lbs. for gear.  You can compute how much weight you can put in your tow vehicle using the website that I reference.  I think it is best that you educate yourself about the factors involved and make your own decision on how safe you would feel towing the Scamp with this vehicle.  Personally, we would not do it but many people might.


Greg A
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Towing with CRV

You would be over the towing capacity for that vehicle.  Realistically, you'll weigh out at around 1700+ lbs loaded for a trip.

Can it pull it, yes. Can it pull it safely, doubtful.  It could void your insurance as well if you would be involved in an accident and you're towing over the specs.  I second SnowGypsy, that personally I wouldn't pull with the CRV, but some folks might.

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fredalva's picture
Last seen: 9 years 11 months ago
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I appreciate your answers.  Yes the weight is a dry weight.  No water in the tanks.  Would you recommend a transmisson cooler?

The Guy with a Honda

Snow Gypsy
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Talk With Your Dealership

In your place, I would talk with your dealership to get their recommendations as to what will be required as part of an appropriate towing package.  I'm guessing that it wasn't bought with a towing package although it could have been. 


fredalva's picture
Last seen: 9 years 11 months ago
Joined: 03/01/2014 - 21:24
Scamp 16' Weight

I've decided to get a bigger truck to pull.  Can anyone tell me what the weight of a 16" scamp Option 6 would weigh.  This unit has the dinette area for two.  I would need the A/C, heater, shower, single propane tank.  Also would get the fiberglass opton instead of the wood interior.

Thanks for your replies.  Great info.

The Guy with a Honda

Greg A
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Scamp 16 Weight

Scamp lists the dry weight for the 16 standard as 1750-2000 so you'd be in there depending on options chosen.  I've seen the 16's loaded with gear, water, propane, etc. generally weigh in around 2600-2800lbs when they weigh them at gatherings or at scales.  Everyone will weigh a bit differently depending on mods and gear but you should fall in those ranges.

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Can you talk us back in to it?

I'm afraid this post has discouraged us from getting a new 13' Scamp.  We bought the CRV last year, and quite frankly, the light weight of the Scamp was the only major non-cosmetic advantage WE saw in choosing that over the Coachman Clipper (much roomier and fully-loaded), which we can get new locally for only $10K.  We have a Dodge Ram, too, but we were hoping to use that to tow our heavy boat on our Florida trips.  If we have to task the Ram to tow a travel trailer and forget bringing the boat with us, why would we choose a Scamp, which is smaller, more expensive and inconvenient to acquire?  Can someone talk us back into consideration?  We joined this group because we were excited about the charming little bugger, but liability in towing a trailer we thought was under 1500 lbs has thrown a real monkey wrench into our plans.  Thanks!  - T&L in Tampa Bay.

ManWithaVan's picture
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Talking you into a Scamp again

Dear Black Box,

As I understand your situation, your travel plans involve traveling in two vehicles to the same destination, one vehicle is pulling the boat and the other will be pulling your Scamp.

Good News, you can haul the Scamp with the Honda CRV !!!

All you have to do is pack all your gear into the truck and/or boat and haul the Scamp almost empty to your campsite. This would not be a problem for your CRV and since you have excess towing/weight capacity in your Ram this arrangement should work very well for you and your family.

The comments regarding the Honda CRV presumed that the owners would be packing their Scamp for a camping trip and would therefore very likely exceed the towing capacity of their Honda CRV.

You have a unique situation, in that, you are taking two vehicles to the campsite and you can "off load" much of the packed weight from the Scamp into the Ram (and/or boat). Additionally, if you decide to just take the Scamp for a trip you have the Ram to pull it with instead of the CRV and you are not limited to the 1,500 lbs towing capacity of the Honda CRV.

In your situation the Scamp is still an excellent choice.

By-the-way, the Scamp's resale value will beat the pants off of the Coachman's resale value.

Happy (returning to) Scamping !!!


As Always,

Happy Scamping !!!

Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
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Thanks ManWithaVan - We really like the aesthetics of the Scamp - With the bath layout and A/C options, would we still be under 1,500 lbs.?  We'd also like it as an "escape" trailer in case of hurricane, which is why weight is so important.  Thanks!

ManWithaVan's picture
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Hurricane Evac in a Scamp

Check the weights in the Resource section for current Scamp Weights.

As far as Hurricane Evacuation goes, I would take the Ram on my way out of town (better Speed and Ground Clearance).

By-the-Way, I'll be right behind you as you are headed out of town, since I live South of you.

Happy Scamping !!!



As Always,

Happy Scamping !!!
