I'm in the middle of renovating our 19'. We have taken out all the dinette, water, electrical box and cabinetry. I'm looking at my water heater and the exterior access has a hole rusted clean through about an inch across. Is the "flange" that connects the heater to the trailer a replaceable part or is it time for a whole new unit? It looks like I can replace the whole unit from the outside of the trailer. Is there any reason why I should do it NOW while the cabinets are out? Can I patch it and replace it later? We have a 2000 19 deluxe. Gas only, I'm assuming it is the same as wat they are still putting in it today. Atwood G6A-7. I'm not opposed to replacing it but if it is just a matter of replacing the flange that'd be great.
Sun, 05/13/2018 - 08:26
Water heater access pannel rust
Common replacement part. I believe this is the one for the Atwood G6A-7 but you'll need to verify.
You can replace the door any time at your convenience, all done outside.
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