Wall Tapestry

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S_Camp_Gook's picture
Last seen: 4 years 6 months ago
Joined: 09/08/2016 - 23:04
Wall Tapestry

Just got a 13 foot scamp in great condition, but want to put up a tapestry or two to cover all of the walls and the "rat fur." 

Does anyone have experience with this? 

Any advice with how to attach to the walls without damaging the walls? 

I was hoping to pin or staple them to be more secure but do not want to damage the structure or create leaks. 

Was also thinking of sewing some velcro onto the tapestry to connect straight to the cat fur. 


I plan on doing this because I want a different color on the inside and don't want to rip out the rat fur because it is still in good condition. Any advice helps. Thanks

Going Light
Last seen: 9 months 1 week ago
Joined: 05/30/2016 - 20:11
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So did you ever figure out how to do this redecorating project, in a way that satisfies you? For my personal taste, putting extra "busy-ness" into an already small space might be a bit over the top, visually. But we've all seen Scamps, or pictures of Scamps, that are utterly charming in their unique decorating. And probably not all Scamps' rat fur is in good condition and might need to be covered up, if not replaced. Therefore I'm wondering where you went with this. Best regards -