Heater help please: Fan works, no heat

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Last seen: 7 years 2 months ago
Joined: 03/22/2015 - 12:18
Heater help please: Fan works, no heat

Hello,  we have a 2013 16 footer.  We went to Half Moon Bay in CA last week (great place) and the first day the heater work as it should.  The next morning we turned in on and the fan was going but no heat.  I did not hear the clicking of the pilot lighter.  In the afternoon I tried it and it worked again, fan on, clicking then heat.  I turned it off and about an hour later I tried it but it did not heat just blew air and as not worked since. This was on battery power. 

The propane is full and the water heater and stove burn.  When I got home I connected the AC power and it just blew air with no heat or clicking. 

It looks very clean inside and at the exhaust vent with no soot or obstructions.   It is a Suburban 16k BTU.

Any help would be appreciated.  

Thank you

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Heater Not Working

It sounds like you have a loose connection or a bad igniter. You may also have a low 12 volt battery with a problem converter.

Try having someone turn the heater on while you try to light the heater with a BBQ lighter. If the furnace lights up and works, your problem is with the igniter or power to the igniter ( OBVIOUSLY, USE GREAT CAUTION WHILE DOING THIS !! )

The first thing to check is verify you have a charged battery and solid 12+ volts.

Next I would remove and clean the wire going into your igniter, Also check that the igniter is well grounded.

If that doesn't fix it then check the voltage at the igniter connector, If you are getting voltage, then your igniter is probably bad.

Let us know how this works out.

As Always,

Happy Scamping !!!

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We had a similar problem when we picked up our 98 16 ft DL , the original owner wanted me to check out the heater and to let him know as he would deduct the price of the heater from the sale price.....I tried the heater and the only thing that was happening was that cold air was being blown out of the heater ....After reading the owners manual I gave the heater a good cleaning I tried it again and it was working fine had good hot air coming out at that point it had been in my shop over night , I noticed the hot water heater was leaking inside the trailer ... I told the owner that it did not need a heater it would probably need a hot water heater ..... Once I purchased the trailer and installed the new hot water heater ,  I moved the trailer out of the shop and plugged the trailer into shore power with a new rv battery the heater was working great so I decided to leave it on low over night went in there the next morning and it was cold and all that was coming out of the heater was cold air... I was frustrated and puzzled and so decided to check the thermostat switch and I determined the problem was the thermostat I called scamp ordered a new one and it has been working great for us ever since ....Hope you are able to figure out what is causing your heater not to work properly .  Keep us posted...


Steve and Sandy
1998 Scamp 16 Ft Deluxe
1973 Boler 13 Ft project
2000 Ford Expedition
Anacortes ( Guemes Island )

Last seen: 7 years 2 months ago
Joined: 03/22/2015 - 12:18

Thank you for the information and ideas.  From the 2 posts I had a list of ways I was going to troubleshoot.  When I took the front grill off I pulled of a couple of connectors and cleaned them and reinstalled.  Then I noticed a, what I assume, master switch about half way back.  It was in the on position so I toggled in several times on and off, hoping it would make better contact if that was a problem.  Then I turned on the heater at the thermostat and it lit as expected. I will test it a few more times over this week.  So keep that in mind if you have problems.

Terrible switch placement if it has to be replaced, unless you are the RV service guy at 120$ per hour.  Thanks again for the ideas.  paul