Southwest Ontario

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dmurney's picture
Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
Joined: 01/13/2019 - 18:35
Southwest Ontario

Hi I am a new member, just picked my 13' up from Minnesota.  Are any other scampers from Southwest Ontario / Southern Michigan interested in an informal gathering at Wheatley Provincial Park in spring 2020?

Hidalga's picture
Last seen: 4 years 4 months ago
Joined: 09/05/2014 - 09:18
Hi Don,

Hi Don,

Congratulations on your Scamp acquisition! I'd say if you're interested in rallying up the campers, just post it. Tell the peeps when and where.

If you're serious in stretching your reach, consider making a similar post on I can link your post from there on the 2020 fiberglass rally map, due out Mid-October. You announce it, and folks will come!

All the best, and enjoy the camper.

RV Compass: Unconventional Rallies for Independent RVers


Tough girl
Tough girl's picture
Last seen: 3 years 10 months ago
Joined: 09/05/2016 - 17:49
Congratulations on your new

Congratulations on your new Scamp. Sounds interesting. Spring in SW Ontario is "realative" to so many. We live in the UP / Mi we will keep an eye out to see if it materializes. March / April can still be pretty chilly up here. 
