There never seems to be enough place to put things in the trailer. My wife wants a clean counter top. So here is a photo of an idea for a shelf above the counter top– and it is all removable during travel.
Materials Used:
1- 8"X36" white shelf board = $4.47 (notched in back right corner to fit around the woodwork)
1- 1 1/4"X48" wooden dowel = $3.49 (only needed two 9 1/2" legs)
Some velcro and felt foot pads
I put a felt pad on the bottom of each leg. On the top of each leg a circle of adhesive backed velcro was placed and I also stapled it. The bottom of the shelf received larger square pieces of the opposing adhevise backed velcro strip so it could hold a leg on each front end. The back thin side of the shelf received several strips of the hooking type of velcro so it would catch the rat fur and add some stability. The shelf also rests on top of the backsplash trim board. The pieces all come apart for traveling and fit in the closet when not in use. We cook outside and would recommend the shelf not be in place if using the propane stovetop.
Starting to design the layout of my totally gutted out 16 ft scamp. Good use of space. Always like seeing innovative ways to approach a problem. We too almost never use our stove in our 26 ft TT so I do not see much reason to add it back in the scamp. Thanks for the pick and directions/cost.
Rich and Val,
I like that mod a lot. Very easy, inexpensive and you gain a tremendous amount of usable space. Nice job! Might be able to fashion some type of reflector on the back of the stove that would store under the lid and then pop up to reflect the stove heat around the shelf. I'm with you though, never used the stove in our Scamp 13 and ultimately removed it and made a larger counter space.
Our Trailers:
2015 19 Escape
Buying or Selling Molded FG Trailers:
where is your wrought iron roof support?
We have a 2015 13' Scamp Deluxe. They do not incorporate wrought iron roof supports. I do not know if it is because of the closet location, the fact that it has wooden cabinets, or because the roof is strengthened with additional supports for the AC. On one hand it is nice not to have anything in the way; on the other hand several people with standard 13s have made some nice modifications with attractive custom pillars or hanging baskets off the iron bars.
2015 13' Deluxe
RE: "on the other hand several people with standard 13s have made some nice modifications with attractive custom pillars"
I have been studying photos of the OEM wrought iron supports, in particular the twist in the metal. Although I am not a structural engineer, I suspect the design of the supports allows them to flex while still maintaining strength. Considering the flexing of the trailer body when the trailer is traveling, I think it might be risky to replace the supports with something that is not as flexible as the original supports even if the replacement supports offer the same or greater static strength.
Could be wrong, but I seriously would doubt that there was much of any engineering that went into the OEM supports, most likely it was something they had built local and inexpensively, and have just continued to use it. The primary purpose of the support is not to allow the roof to flex, but to prevent the roof from sagging in if there isn't something there to prevent it. Folks who have purchased 13 Scamps with the support removed have had to slowly jack the roof back into original shape and reinstall support. The 81 Scamp 13 which I first swapped out for the chrome pole setup now has probably close to 20,000 miles with the replacement pole setup with no issues. The pole mod has long passed the road test.
Our Trailers:
2015 19 Escape
Buying or Selling Molded FG Trailers:
@ Greg.. you surely know a LOT more about the construction of the Scamps than I do so you’re probably right about their function and design (or lack thereof). Maybe I will build a pillar support that goes over the wrought iron, and covers it up. That way still get any benefit of the design while making it look better. However, that will be next year at the earliest. After all, first I have to get my camper!
Probably a good idea. I wouldn't recommend anyone make any structural change or major mod on a new Scamp. I would only do some of these mods like the support pole or cutting a larger opening in the closet (also a major support point) to install a microwave etc. on an older Scamp. Main reason being, that Scamp Trailers could void your warranty due to mods or structural changes. I'd enjoy the new trailer pretty much as is with maybe some cosmetic updates at least until the warranty period has expired.
Our Trailers:
2015 19 Escape
Buying or Selling Molded FG Trailers:
This link will lead you to an example of someone who covered their wrought iron supports.
2015 13' Deluxe