With our 2019 13 with bath. To answer the % of trailer weight on ball. Yes you should have approximately 10% and some say 15% of the gross loaded trailer weight. Add yes I tried numerous configurations with rear and front loaded positions to after getting a accurate trailer weight I use a 300 LB bath scale to see exactly how much is on the ball. It is not an exact number but very close is good enough. We normally traveled with 1/4 of the water tank filled to have something traveling for emergencies. This weekend We just traveled from Dallas to Chicago over two days with a 2022 Casita 17 foot Deluxe with Bath with our 2021 OutBack Onyx XT. It pulled great with no issues and it was 101 deg when we left Dallas. It is not a 3/4 ton diesel pick up and requires genuine care and slow down to 65 for safety but it pulled great at 2,800 aand 310 on the ball with empty LP tanks. We did use Premium fuel when towing and saw no signs of heat or power problems. Using a Scangage two I monitored Trans temp ( never exceded 198 ) and oil temp ( Never exceeded 223 ) and coolant temp and never varied from the center of the normal range as it always does. It is amazing how well it worked, But its lineage is from the Ascent and shows it.
With our 2019 13 with bath. To answer the % of trailer weight on ball. Yes you should have approximately 10% and some say 15% of the gross loaded trailer weight. Add yes I tried numerous configurations with rear and front loaded positions to after getting a accurate trailer weight I use a 300 LB bath scale to see exactly how much is on the ball. It is not an exact number but very close is good enough. We normally traveled with 1/4 of the water tank filled to have something traveling for emergencies. This weekend We just traveled from Dallas to Chicago over two days with a 2022 Casita 17 foot Deluxe with Bath with our 2021 OutBack Onyx XT. It pulled great with no issues and it was 101 deg when we left Dallas. It is not a 3/4 ton diesel pick up and requires genuine care and slow down to 65 for safety but it pulled great at 2,800 aand 310 on the ball with empty LP tanks. We did use Premium fuel when towing and saw no signs of heat or power problems. Using a Scangage two I monitored Trans temp ( never exceded 198 ) and oil temp ( Never exceeded 223 ) and coolant temp and never varied from the center of the normal range as it always does. It is amazing how well it worked, But its lineage is from the Ascent and shows it.
2019 Scamp 13 standard