King of the Wild Frontier Fiberglass Egg Rally 2018

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Beetlefreak's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: 06/14/2017 - 11:11
King of the Wild Frontier Fiberglass Egg Rally 2018

Oh my.  My head is still spinning from all of the activities and entertainment at our rally.  Cindy and I stayed an extra day so that we could say goodby to everyone and spend some time checking out the beauty and historical features of the park as well as an impromptu concert and sing along Sunday night.  Maynard and I have our work cut out to be able to one up this years rally.  Dates have been selected for next year and we have already began working with the park manager to help us with the task.  We have moved the dates in 2018 to the third weekend in October (17th - 21st) so that folks can attend both Cherokee and King of the Wild Frontier rally.  Combined with Land Between the Lakes rally the trifecta will likely attract trailers from all over the country so it is strongly suggested that you make your reservations early.  The reservation window for state parks in TN is one year so the window will open in a couple of days.  The list of people that made this years event a success is a long one so I will not try to name them individually but combined with the participants we were able to achieve our goal of having a laid back event with a variety of events and attractions to choose from or just enjoy the season and the beauty and historical significance of the park.  Thanks to all that participated.  For the latest updates and a look at this years rally join the King of the Wild Frontier Facebook group.

RoseH's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
Joined: 09/05/2016 - 13:32
Where are?

Where and when was or is the rally of Land Between the Lakes and  King of the Wild Frontier?  Any one know of rally's close to MN for next spring 2019?

Rose Hansmeyer and Tom McMaster