2019 Rocky Mountain Egg Rally June 24-27

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Arvada Scamper
Last seen: 4 years 8 months ago
Joined: 12/07/2014 - 18:57
2019 Rocky Mountain Egg Rally June 24-27

The 2019 Colorado Rocky Mountain Egg Rendezvous will be in the same National Forest Service campground as 2018, Mountain Park group site (west of Fort Collins) from June 24th through the 27. It is basically a parking lot with a very nice shelter, group fire pit and many tent pads (for those inclined to sleep in a tent). There is room for about 20 Fiberglass trailers. There is more information on the web site:


Please go to the 2019 Fiberglass RV Rally Calendar to sign up. No deposit or money is needed before the rally if you plan on staying in the group site. We will calculate the costs at the rally. Past Rendezvous were less than $20/night (usually between $10 and $15 a night).

We usually have one evening potluck if you want to join us and an evening campfire, weather permitting and no fire ban.